Bananaman - a young boy named Eric who turns into an adult superhero when he eats a banana!, a new teaser website says very little besides the promise of a 2015 release date and that its being produced by Elstree Studio Productions, which is based in the UK.
According to the Elstree Studios' website,
"Some of the most famous feature films have been produced at Elstree over the years which include the Star Wars and Indiana Jones trilogies, Superman, Moby Dick, The Dam Busters, The Shining, Ice Cold in Alex, and Labyrinth. Over 800 feature films, and similar numbers of television programmes, have been produced at Elstree Studios." (Link below).
The original strip, originated by Dave Donaldson and Steve Bright, written and developed by the latter, and mostly drawn by John Geering until his death in 1999, is essentially a parody of Superman and Batman with shades of Captain Marvel and his British twin, Marvelman and occasionally other Silver Age characters, while also combining comic slapstick with a heavy dose of eccentric British humour similar to Alan Moore's contemporary work on Captain Britain. In the strip, Eric Wimp, an ordinary schoolboy, living at 29 Acacia Road, Nuttytown (later changed to Dandytown after Nutty's demise), eats a banana to transform into Bananaman, an adult superhero, sporting a distinctive cowled blue and yellow outfit complete with a yellow two-tailed cape resembling a banana skin. His superpowers include the ability to fly, superhuman strength and seeming invulnerability.
LEEE777 - Well what do you think, I know the character, who doesn't like banana's?
A new website,, says that the film is being produced by Elstree Studio Productions, based in the UK. The website is a teaser and gives away very little besides the promise of a 2015 release date. - See more at: