It is with great sadness that I must report the death of one of the most famous astronauts in history, Neil Armstrong. He walked on the Moon on 20 July 1969, and by doing so changed human history forever.
I think we all know the lines "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", even though we may not have been around at the time to hear such lines being said by the great astronaut. But it was those lines and the actions that occored on that day that threw us into an new age where humanity had no limits and where anything was possible. Hes a man who inspired people to dream and to become anything they wanted to be. I doubt that many of the things we have now would have been here had it not been for the moon landing of 1969.
It is truly a sad moment for the world. RIP Our man on the moon. Done what so many have dreamt of.