STAR WARS: Who Is Snoke? (And Why The Darth Plagueis Theory Is Still Valid)

STAR WARS: Who Is Snoke? (And Why The Darth Plagueis Theory Is Still Valid)

Despite suggestions to the contrary, there's a lot of evidence pointing towards Snoke being the Darth Plagueis mentioned in Revenge Of The Sith. Hit the jump for all the hints pointing in that direction (plus why it still might not be true) and be sure to leave your own theories.

Feature Opinion
By MrSundayMovies - Jan 07, 2016 07:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars

Check out the video below for a look into why there's a good chance Andy Serkis is really playing Darth Plagueis in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  Beware of spoilers from this movie and previous films from the series.  And be sure to subscribe to Mr Sunday's YouTube channel. If yo want. No pressure.

If you're interested feel from to check out the video below concerning the deleted scenes and rejected concepts from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

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RamonSuarez - 1/7/2016, 7:39 AM
Darth Plaugeis, bitches!
JoeMomma29 - 1/7/2016, 7:42 AM
Awesome video!!!!!!!

I think it is someone new......looks like me Disney wants no part of the prequels.
GhostDog - 1/7/2016, 7:46 AM
JoeMomma29 - 1/7/2016, 7:49 AM
I personally think Darth Plagueis is not was just story Palpatine made up to put doubts in Anakins mind. Keep in mind Anakin was having dreams or visions that Padme was going to die.
SuperCat - 1/7/2016, 7:50 AM
Yep, Plaugeis.

Chewtoy - 1/7/2016, 7:52 AM
I don't know... The Plagueis stuff seems way too obscure for general moviegoers, and therefore kind of pointless. Why change his name if nobody ever heard of him before? Why have a reveal of a secret identity that would have the majority of your audience go "who?" Why tie into something from the prequels at all?

Hell, if the story told in the prequel is true, then that means that the Emperor knew how to cheat death too. There's a guy who really would benefit from keeping his real name under wraps until he had enough power to be secure again. What if he's not a hologram so much as a ghost? Or a hologram of a ghost? A ghostogram.

Eh... Whatever. I honesty don't much care at this point, and don't really want to get myself worked up by any theory only to be disappointed. No real reason he isn't just some guy named "Snoke". Who would have picked that name anyway?
GhostDog - 1/7/2016, 7:53 AM
I kind of like the Inquisitor idea.

I think it's intriguing.

"The Inquisitor hunted and eliminated Jedi that had survived the destruction of the Jedi Order. Trained in the ways of the Force by Darth Vader, he was tasked with converting or destroying Force-sensitive children, as well as Jedi who could train them, before they could become a threat to the Empire."

I don't think he's the same GRAND INQUISITOR from Rebels (he's dead), but he could be another. Seeing as the Inquisitor is tasked with converting force sensitive kids, maybe the Knights of Ren are all converted force users; converted to the dark side. Snoke could've been someone who lived through the rise and fall of the galactic empire, seen the Republic change. He could've been a disciple of Palpatine's we knew nothing of or maybe another disciple of Plagueis.

Still like the Plagueis theory too.
Philvis - 1/7/2016, 7:55 AM
I don't trust anything the actors or anyone working on the films have to say. I was pretty confident that Finn wasn't going to be a Jedi, and it turned out the clips of him with the lightsaber was just a red herring. An actor isn't going to go on record 2 years before the next film giving away major plot or character info. With 6 films, now 7 under the belt, I would like to see pieces from prior films, canon shows, etc. fall into place for Eps. 8 and 9. After all, this still does continue the Skywalker saga per JJ.
RamonSuarez - 1/7/2016, 7:57 AM
Plaugeis makes sense from the perspective that he's the only Sith Lord not named Tyrannus, Maul, Vader, or Sidious introduced in the movies. And since we haven't seen him at all it gives the writers more room to work with his ambiguous background.
supermarioworldE - 1/7/2016, 7:59 AM
He's a phony looking cgi hologram. Thats all we know at this point.
RamonSuarez - 1/7/2016, 7:59 AM
Plaugeis also gives us the ultimate big bad to bridge all of the trilogies together from the Republic, even before the prequels, down to the post-Empire era.
GhostDog - 1/7/2016, 8:08 AM

randomNPC - 1/7/2016, 8:10 AM
I'm thinking it could be the "son" from the clone war.
GhostDog - 1/7/2016, 8:13 AM

FishyZombie - 1/7/2016, 8:17 AM
I hope he is, he seems to be a Palpatine stand in for this trilogy, by making him Palpatine's master there'd be more weight to his character's overall importance to the saga. Plus we've never seen the "cheat death" power, so that'd be great to see.
PapaEmeritus - 1/7/2016, 8:20 AM
@Ramon exactly! Yep, Snoke is Plaugeis.
Forthas - 1/7/2016, 8:21 AM
While he may very well be Plagueis, I hope not for the following reasons...

1) It would diminish the character's power. If it is Plagueis, he was ALREADY defeated by Palpatine who was his why should he be feared any more than Palpatine.

2) In a movie that ALREADY is criticized for would double down on that. Think about it, if he is Plagueis he acts EXACTLY the way Palpatine did. He created an army that even looks the same; a planet "killing" device; had a Skywalker apprentice; projects himself as a larger than life hologram; and even dresses similarly.

3) It has been established that Jedi can "feel when people die...when Alderan was destroyed - Obi Won felt it; when general order 66 was enacted and the Jedi were killed - Yoda could feel it; and when Anakin was given his Darth Vader equipment he stated he could feel that Padme was still alive. So how could Palpatine try to kill Plagueis and not know that he was dead.

The better and more logical way that they should approach it is that it is a reanimated Palpatine. It would then make more sense to the story because 1) it would show that he is the most powerful Sith ever being able to cheat death; 2) would explain why Snoke acts EXACTLY the same way Palpatine did and 3) would not create a bit of a plot hole whereas Palpatine was not sure Plagueis was dead. At the end of return of the Jedi, we see Palpatine fall into the reactor. But when Luke leaves with Vader he could have climbed later escaped or have been assisted since we see Storm Troopers were trying to escape the exploding death star also which is why they paid no mind to Luke as he escaped. The fact that he is scarred is the result of the fall into the reactor where he could have been badly burned but survived and he may be in the process of regenerating his body.

tonyc - 1/7/2016, 8:22 AM

Watch and Read his second Prediction in the comments
SimplyAz - 1/7/2016, 8:28 AM
Interesting and gave me a lot of pointers as someone who isn't overly familiar with Star Wars having only seen the original 3, Phantom Menace and Force Awakens.
hartley07 - 1/7/2016, 8:57 AM
You already threw the books out, dont start throwing away movies because you just feel like it. They may be bad, but the prequels are part of the story. Deal with it. Rather than ignoring them, why not tie them in and give them more depth? Make these new ones good enough and it will make us WANT to watch the prequels again so we can tie it all together.
CorndogBurglar - 1/7/2016, 9:22 AM
You guys do realize that Episode 3 is NOT the only time Plagueis is mentioned right?

I know the Darth Plagueis novel is no longer canon, but the Tarkin novel IS canon. In Tarkin Plagueis is mentioned multiple times and validates a lot of the stuff from the Plagueis novel. It outright confirms that Plagueis was Palpatine's master. It validates that the Jedi Temple on Coruscant was built on an ancient Sith burial ground which helped to weaken the Jedi. It even validated that Plagueis may have have still been alive while Palpatine was training Darth Maul. But most of all it confirms that Palpatine killed killed him in his sleep.

Also, it was never said that Plagueis could keep himself alive. It said he could keep others from dying and bring them back from the dead.

I jist really don't think Snoke is Plagueis. Its too obvious and everyone expects it now. Snoke was also never intended to be Plagueis. He wasn't even going to be a male until the 11th hour. Sure they could change their minds but now that this rumor has become sonlarge it would almost be a letdown at this point and wouldn't be a surprise.
amadeopannekoek - 1/7/2016, 9:42 AM
If Snoke is Plagueis it would be very stupid and lame. The whole thing that makes him and the Knights of Ren interesting is that they are practitioners of the dark side of the force but are not Sith.

There is no reason why there should only be the Jedi Order and the Sith as the only people who practice an organized form of force sorcery. If everyone has potential to take command of their abilities to use the force, the Jedi Order and Sith only apply certain rules and provide an ethical framework to how to use one's force powers, along with ascribing a history with tradition to it.

It would be way more interesting if Snoke is a new character who has a different interpretation on how the dark side of the force should be handled.
PartyKiller - 1/7/2016, 9:56 AM
Snoke is not a Sith Lord. No evidence to point to Plagueis. None to point to a Sith. He's the Inquisitor or some new character. Plagueis would not hide his name and he would call an apprentice a Darth. The Sith took pride in maintaining Sith customs. Saying he is Plagueis only makes you look like a rookie at this.
hsanjose - 1/7/2016, 10:14 AM
Snoke must be more dangerous than both, Sidious and Vader, otherwise He just became another ridiculous character! He must be the great grandfather of Kylo, and possibly Rey too, if Disney wants take the next step in the Skywalker family history and The Force itself.

Anakin/Darth Vader must return and fight him! And Luke must confront to Kylo!

By the way, Is Finn the son of Lando? :D
SuperTeo - 1/7/2016, 10:29 AM
Matador - 1/7/2016, 10:44 AM
@SuperTeo - Wait wasn't Vader's body burned after The Return of the Jedi?
Matador - 1/7/2016, 11:45 AM
@TheBad - Oh that does sound interesting! Like an evil doppelganger?

nld3 - 1/7/2016, 12:28 PM
Darth Plagueis is dead. If he isn't his new name should be Darth Plagueis the Coward for hiding all these years.
djjoshuacarl - 1/7/2016, 12:35 PM
its luke :)
Forthas - 1/7/2016, 12:48 PM

Totally agree! That is another problem with making it Plagueis. What was he doing all of that time. Palpatine took power before Luke was fact Anakin was still a child. That is almost 50-60 years of Plagueis not doing anything. How would they explain that?
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