Chris Pratt Interviews The New Guy In Awesome New TV Spot For JURASSIC WORLD

Chris Pratt Interviews The New Guy In Awesome New TV Spot For JURASSIC WORLD

"You ever wonder why there's a job opening?" - Another awesome new TV spot aired during the NBA Playoffs yesterday featuring a ton of great new footage of the raptors and of Claire & Owen using the classic jeep from the first film as cover from the Indominus Rex!! Come check it out!

By RohanPatel - May 10, 2015 01:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Jurassic Park

Steven Spielberg returns to executive produce the long-awaited next installment of his groundbreaking Jurassic Park series, Jurassic World. Colin Trevorrow directs the epic action-adventure from a screenplay he wrote with Derek Connolly. Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley join the team as producers.

Jurassic World will feature:
Director: Colin Trevorrow
Chris Pratt as Owen Grady
Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire Dearing
Vincent D'Onofrio as Vic Hoskins
Jake Johnson as Lowery
Irrfan Khan as Simon Masrani
Nick Robinson as Zach
Ty Simpkins as Gray
B.D. Wong as Dr. Henry Wu
Brian Tee as Takashi Hamada
Omar Sy as Barry
Katie McGrath as Zara
Lauren Lapkus as Vivian
Judy Greer as Zach & Gray's Mother
Andy Buckley as Zach & Gray's Father
James DuMont in an undisclosed role

Jurassic World is set to roar into theaters June 12

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BLACK WIDOW Star Scarlett Johansson Breaks Silence On "Incredible," "Awesome" JURASSIC WORLD 4 Role

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grif - 5/10/2015, 1:03 PM
MarkyMarkRises - 5/10/2015, 1:08 PM
AsgardianHobo - 5/10/2015, 1:10 PM
MarkyMarkRises - 5/10/2015, 1:10 PM
"consumers want everything bigger"

i see that the marketing department is now involved in the screenplay

also sorry i broke the comment centipede
AsgardianHobo - 5/10/2015, 1:11 PM
bastard! But I can post this now

Indy - 5/10/2015, 1:33 PM
HEY Haters look a nice and shiny flare go fetch!

AsgardianHobo - 5/10/2015, 1:33 PM

Just block him like I did.......WHEN this movie makes less than AoU, he will run away and not log in.

It's not worth it bro!
AsgardianHobo - 5/10/2015, 1:47 PM
The Pratt/Raptor teaser kinda turned me off.......

I loved the first one though.......As a kid, I don't even know how many times I watching it on VHS
StiltMantis - 5/10/2015, 1:52 PM
@MARVELPSYCHO79 @sgardianHobo [frick] off virgin trolls. go comment on your stupid avengers article about how the film is underperforming at the box office. get out of here if you have no taste and don't like Pratt or Jurassic World.
ClumsyToaster - 5/10/2015, 1:54 PM
If by "awesome" you mean a poorly edited version of footage we've already seen, the yeah. This vid is awesome...
AsgardianHobo - 5/10/2015, 1:55 PM

I like like him too I guess?

You know he was the main character in an MCU film......right?

Are you sure that you still like him? lol
StiltMantis - 5/10/2015, 2:15 PM
@AsgardianHobo I like Guardians of the Galaxy and Iron Man1. I like the good MCU films and not every one including the bad ones just because of the Marvel name. You like Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron just because of the marvel name even though they are shit and you're a fanboy. Age of Ultron won't even pass the original and Jurassic World will make at least 1.5 billion.
AsgardianHobo - 5/10/2015, 2:23 PM

"You like Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron just because of the marvel name even though they are shit and you're a fanboy."

When did I ever say that I loved IM3? Talk about grasping

"Age of Ultron won't even pass the original and Jurassic World will make at least 1.5 billion."

$1.5 billion!?!?!?!?! LOL

Jurassic Park = Worldwide: $1,029,153,882
The Lost World: Jurassic Park = Worldwide $618,638,999
Jurassic Park III = Worldwide: $368,780,809

PkBlitz - 5/10/2015, 2:28 PM
>not being excited by mother[frick]ing Jurassic World
Let me guess: you watched Jurassic Park when you were a little kid, you didn't even read the Crichton books and you haven't payed attention to lengthy interviews with the director and writing team who are genuinely putting heart and soul into this for a good bunch of developing years now? I bet you think Pratt fully controls the raptors too, and that nothing will go wrong with those dinos because they spared no expense.

Hell, they're even giving a meta message into this movie by saying how the greed of men in suits to get money by making everything bigger only leads to your own destruction. You've seen this happen time after time after time with your favorite franchises, part of this film tells that story and puts dinosaurs and the good old meta about nature into the mix, how can you want such a thing to fail? do you want Mad Max Fury Road to fail and Transformers 5 to make 2 billion dollars too, or what? all your support should be into this movie, one of the few items of the sequel/prequel/remake/reboot/spinoff pack that actually seems to not be a soulless cashgrab. I, as a Jurassic Park fan that got dissapoint by the second and third movies, am supporting this one because it looks like it won't be a total disaster, because little things like the Barbasol marketing tells me they are very careful with this thing. I'm excited because Hollywood is giving us a chance, to give a shit. And I really like to root for the underdogs.
StiltMantis - 5/10/2015, 2:36 PM
@AsgardianHobo If the first jurassic park made a billion jurassic world can easily make 1.5 billion. This one has Chris Pratt and he is the biggest movie star there is.
PkBlitz - 5/10/2015, 2:37 PM
By the way, I'm not with the other guy in the 1.5 billion thing. That's just stupid, unless Chris Pratt dies in a car accident before they release it the movie won't grab enough attention to reach those levels. If the Marvel super-crossover goliath that is Age of Ultron is underperforming like it is with meh to positive reviews, then there's no way Jurassic World will make 1.5 billions unless the word of mouth is overwhelmingly strong and everyone and their mothers on the TV and the internet suddenly go "dude, Jurassic World? go watch it NOW, it's a 10/10 most watch masterpiece better than The Dark Knight, the Guardians of the Galaxy of our times, they recreated Chris Pratt's cock with motioncap and better effects than the new Planet of the Apes and on par with the original Jurassic Park, AND it'll get you laid". Which would be unlikely...
AsgardianHobo - 5/10/2015, 2:46 PM

"By the way, I'm not with the other guy in the 1.5 billion thing. That's just stupid, unless Chris Pratt dies in a car accident before they release it the movie won't grab enough attention to reach those levels."

LOL Made my day


"If the first jurassic park made a billion jurassic world can easily make 1.5 billion. This one has Chris Pratt and he is the biggest movie star there is."

So the first one made that money...then this one will make that money based on..... NOTHING? Sounds legit
StiltMantis - 5/10/2015, 2:51 PM
@PkBlitz It will get excellent reviews just like Planet of the apes. That's why Jurassic World will make so much money. Women will go see Jurassic World because of chris Pratt. It's something that hasn't been seen in theatres for a long time and the excitement over something new and different is what makes people see movies today. Avengers doesn't have that any more. People are tired of Avengers, and they want Jurassic World.
AsgardianHobo - 5/10/2015, 2:55 PM can someone respond to THAT? lol. He almost seems sincere......

It's like a blind man walking onto a firing range.........Too easy......
Scorpinicus - 5/10/2015, 4:28 PM
Alot of you are talking shit about the movie, yet none of you are the ones up there writing or directing a great Jurassic Park movie. Yes the classic film is amazing and truly love it but can you honestly say that this film is know what movie was crap, Jupiter Ascending. So shut the hell up and enjoy the movie when it comes out.
DarkModeDan - 5/10/2015, 5:41 PM
What is even going on in this thread?!?

DarkModeDan - 5/10/2015, 5:53 PM
Might as well add my two cents...

I liked Age of Ultron.

I liked Jurassic Park.

I liked the whole series when I was a little kid.

I like the concept of Jurassic World

I think I'll like Jurassic World

I like Chris Pratt.

I like the creative team behind this film.

I like dinosaurs.

Freaking EVERYBODY likes dinosaurs.

That being said...this movie will be lucky...LUCKY...if it hits a billion.
I like the enthusiasm, but $1.5 billion for this?

MindQuad - 5/10/2015, 7:25 PM
I just hope this is an entertaining film. I don't expect much from it, maybe it is better that way.
JorL5150 - 5/10/2015, 7:48 PM
I can smell the stupid on this movie.
StiltMantis - 5/10/2015, 7:52 PM
that's the smell of the shit in your diaper you [frick]ing baby. [frick] off out of here hater.
JorL5150 - 5/10/2015, 8:02 PM
I bet he challenges the t-rex to a dance-off brah!
JorL5150 - 5/10/2015, 8:04 PM
S'matter stilt?
Is it your turn to change me?
Hold on- im not done grunting.
deloreantmmc - 5/10/2015, 8:33 PM
Just take a second and think about what people are arguing over, how much money this movie will or won't make? You sound like the idiot Lawyer that got his ass eat by the T-rex in the first movie.

What are people even complaining about? This movie looks awesome, the anticipation to see it makes me feel like I'm 10 years old again.

if you are hating on this then you are reaching for reasons to hate. Is it gonna be better than the first movie? No way, impossible. Is it gonna be better than any Marvel movie? Why the [frick] is it being compared to Superheroes? It's a [frick]ing Dinosaur movie!!! Stop destroying creativity and let this movie capture your imagination like you did when you were a kid.

The filmmakers on this one really cared about capturing the spirit of the original movie, maybe more filmmakers should take that approach (cough cough Ghostbusters reboot)

KillerTomato - 5/10/2015, 8:58 PM
This movie will name enough to be considered a hit, but in the same vein as last year's TMNT being considered a hit. That being said, I'll see it, without trying to compare it to a Marvel film. I'm certain it will be better than JP 3, probably make more too. Though I honestly think it's possible that it'll make about the same as Lost World.
Jaspion - 5/10/2015, 9:17 PM
SOmeone who says AOU is a shitty movie is not worthy of watching cbms.
JorL5150 - 5/11/2015, 5:26 AM
Deloreant is a ghostbusters reboo hater!!!
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