Let's Leave The Old Stuff Back At The Door And Bring In The New "Jurassic Park" Trilogy Idea!

Let's Leave The Old Stuff Back At The Door And Bring In The New "Jurassic Park" Trilogy Idea!

Sounds like the trilogy will see the Dino's ditch the island!

By jman1977 - Nov 11, 2009 01:11 PM EST
Filed Under: Jurassic Park
Source: aintitcool.com
Good! We have seen that already. Time for something new. If I have to go sit through another Jurassic Park movie then please someone give me a fresh take on the exhausted franchise! I'm like everyone else, I can enjoy a good "T-Rex raises all types of Hell" movie but the "Oh shit, I'm stuck on an Island with Dinosaurs" idea has been done to death. I did however like my twin, Vince Vaughn's role in the second installment but please whatever you do no more stranded island scenarios!!

Look now, my rant is legit, see even Joe Johnston who directed Jurassic Park 3, shares my views by adding:

"Why would anybody go back to that island? It was hard enough to figure out the second and third reason for them to go, but it would take it off in a whole other trilogy basically, but when it gets to that level it's sort of about studios and Steven [Spielberg's] thing and who knows."

See! I told ya so. Johnston further stated:

"There is a great story for the fourth one that I would be interested in getting involved with and it's nothing like the first three. It sort of takes the franchise off in a completely different direction, which is the only way I would want to get involved."

Now for my fourth grade point of view: "I want to see Stegosaurus go up against T-Rex damn it!"

Just for any of you losers who don't know that Jurassic Park is in fact a comic book:

JURASSIC WORLD 4: We May Finally Have An Official Title For Universal's Next Dino-Disaster Movie

JURASSIC WORLD 4: We May Finally Have An Official Title For Universal's Next Dino-Disaster Movie

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LEEE777 - 11/11/2009, 1:41 PM
TOPP that! ; D

Damn, i like GODZILLA better myself lol!!

but luv to see a different take in a JP part 4!!
Bamf7 - 11/11/2009, 1:43 PM
Yes, I agree completely! And no more Jeff Goldblum please.
selinakyle - 11/11/2009, 1:46 PM
This is what the new storyline should be. Someone who used to work on the island stole some eggs and brought it into a city...more than likely NYC cos thats where all the disasters happen(dunno why). He keeps the eggs and breeds them until something happens, blah blah, they grow up, blah blah and start terrorizing people. Like he said, who da heck would go back to the island?
ThisFan - 11/11/2009, 1:48 PM
I think after part 3 we dont need more
ecksmanfan - 11/11/2009, 1:53 PM
@Jman- Great article. I loved (and still do) the first film. The other two were just ok. Also, wasn't Vince Vaughn in the SECOND film? Not the third? Just sayin...
thwhtGuardian - 11/11/2009, 2:02 PM
If it looked decent I wouldn't mind another.
ElBicho - 11/11/2009, 2:09 PM
Nice article. JP3 would've been better if Vince Vaughn got into a one liner off with a raptor...

frankster - 11/11/2009, 2:10 PM
Dinos migrate and end up in Seattle (We dont see Seattle much on film). dino terrorizing is background minor subplot though. the main plot is that the dinosaurs have brought a type of "N1H1" that is spreading like wildfire and they are against the clock to find a vaccine but they need direct DNA samples from them to analyze the flu strain. Now that would be something a little different. Though JP3 was like the others Joe Johnston did an awesome job of making it more dark & gritty. Let him at it again. I cant wait to see his take on Captain America!!!
frankster - 11/11/2009, 2:12 PM
Dinos migrate and end up in Seattle (We dont see Seattle much on film). dino terrorizing is background minor subplot though. the main plot is that the dinosaurs have brought a type of "N1H1" that is spreading like wildfire and they are against the clock to find a vaccine but they need direct DNA samples from them to analyze the flu strain. Now that would be something a little different. Though JP3 was like the others Joe Johnston did an awesome job of making it more dark & gritty. Let him at it again. I cant wait to see his take on Captain America!!!
answer - 11/11/2009, 2:12 PM
They should have the Dinosaurs become super smart and develop guns and then go on a massive rampage on the humans! I am of course talking bollocks and would much rather they left this alone!
JoshWilding - 11/11/2009, 2:15 PM
The first one is the best one but the second and third are watchable - the third was the worst IMO which worries me as it was directed by Joe Johnston, the director of the Captain America movie!

Still, I'd quite like a fourth movie...there seem to be less and less of these fun action movies! Sure I like movies that actually make you think but sometimes its nice to sit back and watch a fun, brainless action flick (hell, thats how Michael Bay makes a living, lol) ;p
frankster - 11/11/2009, 2:17 PM
Dinos migrate and end up in Seattle (We dont see Seattle much on film). dino terrorizing is background minor subplot though. the main plot is that the dinosaurs have brought a type of "N1H1" that is spreading like wildfire and they are against the clock to find a vaccine but they need direct DNA samples from them to analyze the flu strain. Now that would be something a little different. Though JP3 was like the others Joe Johnston did an awesome job of making it more dark & gritty. Let him at it again. I cant wait to see his take on Captain America!!!
MarkCassidy - 11/11/2009, 2:31 PM
Still have fond memories of teh first one..but the others are really lacking. Speilberg just can;t help himself withe the kiddy shite. The moment that threw the S in the second one was the Goldblums daughter/Neice somersault kicking a [frick]ing Raptor through a wall! The 3rd just sucked from any perspective.
HarrisonBergeron - 11/11/2009, 2:57 PM
They already did a dinosaur on the main land in the second one. If they are going to come up with a full scenario for the lot of them being on the main land then why bother connecting it to the other movies, just start a new franchise.
brycied - 11/11/2009, 2:59 PM
correction - vince vaughn was in the second one
jman1977 - 11/11/2009, 3:06 PM
I retract my previous JP3 statement, correction made, thanks guys.
Crazyhorrormovienerd - 11/11/2009, 3:47 PM
I like the first 2, but the 3rd was simply awful. I think just in respect to Michael Crichton they could not rape his creation. The first 2 were great because of 2 things: Spielberg and Crichton. They both left after the 3rd one and look what happened!
Azrael83 - 11/11/2009, 3:59 PM
I remember seeing those rumors of Keira Knightley being cast...oh the memories. I wouldn't go see this new trilogy if they paid me to. The first one was sex, but the 2nd and 3rd were awful.
Rolanddeschain19 - 11/11/2009, 4:44 PM
i always thort the idea of the fourth movie was to connect to the original island, somthing to do with the canister that was dropped by the charactor denis, the one who was spat in the face by the diposuaras.

dont how that would make it a good story line but , i would love to see the origanl cast have to go back to the first isaland again, minus the kids

cause in every jurrasic park movie, IT THE FRICKING KIDS THAN MAKE IT S..T

i just love raptors, screw it, X MEN 4 SAVAGE LAND!

id have that any day over jurrsaic park
stark - 11/11/2009, 4:50 PM
Who cares where it takes place. As long as the action and story is good. It needs to be R rated. No more kids involved in the plot. Definitely need Goldblum back. Hes the man.
Jib7z - 11/11/2009, 5:00 PM
I dont know guys... the first two were good. They roughly kept to the books. Not quite perfectly, but they did keep to them somewhat. The third one was seriously a giant freaking collection of stuff they didnt put in the first two. The whole Pterodactyl scene in the Atrium? Yeah, first book.

Anyway. They'd better do it smarter than the third one. That movie was miserable.
FrankCastle1 - 11/11/2009, 5:13 PM
gay but kud be kool
Crazyhorrormovienerd - 11/11/2009, 5:40 PM
Crichton wrote the first 2 screenplays, and only sat with the writers on the 3rd one a few days then left because he felt he couldn't come up with a good enough story.

The books are amazing.
CorndogBurglar - 11/11/2009, 5:45 PM
if it doesn't take place on the island then do you really want to see dinosaurs running around a city??? didn't that happen in the second one? wasn't the second ruined simply BECAUSE of that? i think this series should just go away, the first one was the only good one.
Rolanddeschain19 - 11/11/2009, 6:03 PM
@ corndogburglar your not wrong, i love all three films, even tho i find the kids anoying, but the worst part out of all three, was the part with the t rex running in the city, did love the lost world tho , my favortie out the three, the raptor part was amazing.

.....minus the part where the little girl started the acrobats....that was just plain stupid
CorndogBurglar - 11/11/2009, 6:26 PM
@ roland

yeah man, i thought that was just plain cheese.
Instantclassic - 11/11/2009, 6:26 PM
I think the next Jurassic Park film shouldn't be on the island again, cause yea its been done like 3 times now. If someone ever decides to do another Jurassic Park, I hope it'll be better than the 3rd, that one was short and not needed
supermarioworldE - 11/11/2009, 8:51 PM
I also liked lost world the best. Jurassic Park is one of those very few good trilogies out there, but if they did decide to make it into a tetralogy, I wouldn't mind.
CorndogBurglar - 11/11/2009, 8:51 PM

just when i thought they shouldn't make a new one, you say that. that would actually be very cool! i don't want to see dino's running rampany in a city, they tried that in the second one and it was stupid
slimybug - 11/11/2009, 9:27 PM
This would only be an issue if they were EVER going to make a Jurassic Park IV.

Which they're not.
Betty - 11/11/2009, 9:32 PM
There was a third one? Which one was the one with Jeff Goldblums kid and he big metal RV shinanigans?
lilej2 - 11/11/2009, 9:42 PM
but it wouldn't really be Jurassic Park if they weren't on the island, maybe if half way during the film they did, but not the entire film
Upupandaway - 11/11/2009, 9:58 PM
How's this? A T-Rex and Stegosaurus are cops on the LA beat. When the murder of a comrade makes them reluctant partners, hilarity ensues and a bond is made. They both take down the criminal mastermind behind the murder. T-Rex introduces Stegosaurus to his family only to have him eaten. That eating represents racism. Any buyers?
CorndogBurglar - 11/11/2009, 10:57 PM
@ upand away

i'm sold, lol

chris rock for the stegosaurus

jackie chan for the t-rex
CorndogBurglar - 11/11/2009, 10:58 PM
@ anil

i liked the whole extermination squad thing.
TheNameIsBetty - 11/11/2009, 11:35 PM
They should have a genetic "oopsie" and have a Megaladon Shark or a Kraken appear. lol
GUNSMITH - 11/11/2009, 11:51 PM
CRUSH - 11/12/2009, 12:37 AM
jurassic park in space: the musical
seismicblast - 11/12/2009, 1:11 AM
TheAnswer you might actually get your wish!

I kind of chuckled when I read the article and Johnston said that he'd be interested in making JP4 with a new take he's heard about.

Well, a couple of years ago there was a script for JP4 commissioned and it had to do with... get this... dinosaurs mixed with human DNA, and on top of that they were part of a commando team! Yep, the dinos were each specialists with different weapons strapped to their hinds. Kind of like an 80's toy line brought to life. The story involved a military grunt who assisted with the San Diego incident being brought in to train the dinos to hunt their own kind. Along the way they were going to run into all the old characters Goldblum, Sam Neil etc.

See I believe this is the "new direction" that Johnston's referring to. The bats$#^ crazy teenage mutant ninja dinos of that Jurassic Park 4 treatment.
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