When Chris Nolan was announced as "Godfathering" WB's Superman reboot, many felt that meant he would be playing some type of role in the actual production of the film. Well, if that is the case it looks like it will be a very small one. At an Inception gala held on Tuesday night, GregoryEllwood from Hitfix spoke to the various stars in attendance, and producer Emma Stone made it clear that this new Superman movie will be all Snyder..
From Hitfix..
Thomas said Nolan is so single minded when making a picture it's hard to get him to work on anything else. And she made it clear that in the case of "Superman," Nolan and David Goyer just had an idea they couldn't believe wasn't being explored by Warner Bros. And with Zack Snyder now on board as director, Nolan will be busy making "The Dark Knight Rises" and "we are handing it off to him." So, take note anyone out there thinking this will be a strange Nolan/Snyder partnership. Thomas reiterated that they brought it to an appropriate screenplay and it's now Snyder's picture.
At the same event, Chris Nolan also made it clear that there is nothing set in stone for TDKR. He hasn't finished writing or casting the picture. For the full article, including more from Nolan as well as Ellen Page click the link below.