Back in September,
current Wonder Woman ongoing scribe Greg Rucka created a small uproar in pop culture media with his statements regarding his personal belief that Wonder Woman had same-sex relationships before leaving the island of Themyscira. Of course, for knowledgeable comic book readers that notion is nothing new and is a subject broached by several previous Wonder Woman comic book writers in the past.
But with Wonder Woman recently regarded as the best thing in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and set to make an even larger impact in the DCEU with Justice League and her own solo film, general pop culture interest in the superheroine is at an all time high. Hence, Rucka's statements became a talking point for folks who wouldn't know Red Robin from Red Hood.
Gal Gadot herself was recently asked about the subject last month and stated, "It’s not something we’ve explored [in the film]. It never came to the table, but when you talk theoretically about all the women on Themyscira and how many years she was there, then what he said makes sense. In this movie she does not experience any bisexual relationships." But what about the sequel?
In a new interview, [conducted in Hebrew and translated via], Gadot took the above sentiments a step further, naming Halle Berry as her preferred pick for a possible lesbian relationship for Wonder Woman in a sequel. The billionaire, playboy facade Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne keeps up in public would certainly be game for dating a bisexual Amazon ambassador.
Wonder Woman arrives in theaters on June 2, 2017.
Gal Gadot wants Halle Berry as a love interest... by BatmanNewsCom