After recently closing a deal with NBC, details on David E. Kelley's Wonder Woman TV show have been scarce. Now it seems that comic fans wouldn't want to know the details. BLEEDING COOL have gotten their hands on possible details from a script for the pilot that are interesting in one way or another:

■There’s a Myndi Mayer, herein portrayed as Diana’s BFF.
■ There’s a scene with comics character Etta Candy, a role that’s pretty much written like a job offer to Melissa McCarthy.
■ Long ago, government man Steve Trevor crashed onto Wonder Woman’s island and brought her back to New York, but now they’ve split up. She still loves him, though, and it’s obvious that their relationship is going to be a focus.
■ Diana might not have an invisible jet (if she did, I didn’t see it) but she has a whole rainbow’s worth of over coloured aircraft.
■ She has the lasso, and those bracelets with which she deflects bullets.
■ Her nemesis is Veronica Cale, who in this continuity is an evil scientist and rival businesswoman with a secret, nefarious plan that you’ll probably guess ahead of time.
So just who is the character of
Wonder Woman? Here are the details explaining the character with some drastic changes from the comics:
■ Identifies with ET the Extra Terrestrial when his movie comes on TV.
■ Really loves planes. Like really.
■ Pines for Steve like Carrie for Big.
■ Wants to belong and be “among” people, not just “with” them.
■ Sings along to the radio in multiple scenes – but nothing with a hairbrush in front of the mirror just yet.
■ Doesn’t like being “marketed, commercialized, merchandised”, though she is – there’s a joke about Wonder Woman tie-in dolls having their costumes redesigned that seems to reference the recent makeover for the comics.
■ When she’s Diana Prince she’s a mousey Miley Stewart, when she’s Diana Themiscyra she’s the Hanna Montana of businesswomen, and when she’s Wonder Woman she’s Wonder Woman – which is precisely twice in the whole episode.
■ Is a capitalist.
■ Puts on her PJs for an ice-cream filled sleepover with best friend Myndi.
Wonder Woman is currently on the hunt for a director for the pilot, which will air on NBC with no current air date