More From Hugh Jackman On "Wolverine 2"..Possible 2012 Release Date!

More From Hugh Jackman On "Wolverine 2"..Possible 2012 Release Date!

MTV Splash Page caught up with Jackman at the Teen Choice Awards and told them what we can expect for the sequel...

By JoshWilding - Aug 11, 2009 10:08 AM EST
Filed Under: X-Men
Source: MTV Splash Page

"Parts of that story were pretty dark. I don’t know if it’s the darkest, but I'm going to go out on a limb right now and say I think it will be the sexiest," Jackman told MTV News. "There’s some female companionship—and not just one—for Wolverine. ... My wife might have an issue with it, but I think the fans will like it."

When asked when we can expect to see the sequel, Jackman said, "If you look at the history of the X-Men movies, it’s been every three years—three years exactly. So that might give you a good hint!"
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TheShakeBake - 8/11/2009, 10:24 AM
JUst stop with Wolverine im sick of his 4 movies lets go on to new characters plz!!!1

jimthefan - 8/11/2009, 10:49 AM
took them like 1year to make the other crap fast if i rember correctly
jimthefan - 8/11/2009, 10:49 AM
they pissed origins out quick
Phileo26 - 8/11/2009, 11:21 AM
I don't know how they would make a Magneto origins movie interesting. I would like to see a New Mutants Type of movie to bring in and introduce new characters. Maybe get Cable in there so he would be ready for Deadpool whenever that come. :)
TheNameIsBetty - 8/11/2009, 11:23 AM
leave wolverine alone, lets see Magneto! woot woot
Chiyonosake - 8/11/2009, 11:36 AM
Unless they start making wolverine/xmen movies better and more like the original stories I will have lost all faith and interest in these movie franchises.
SabretoothTiger - 8/11/2009, 11:41 AM
man screw magneto its a pretty good idea but hes had way too much screen time kinda like wolverine i think they should go the first class route and make it like the first team in the comics.
CorndogBurglar - 8/11/2009, 11:47 AM
Wolvie is TOO powerful and unkillable. he didn't used to be like that, with or without the adamantium. over the years, different writers just went overboard and made him totally unkillable. now he can't even get drunk in the comics. back in frank miller's run, he got hit with poisoned ninja stars and he was unconscious for a long time. that would never happen now. now you have him getting caught in explosions that burn everything away except his skeleton and he's ready to fight in 5 minutes, its a shame too, because wolvie really did USED to be an amazing character, now he's just ridiculous...and lame...and over used. and answer me this, he's supposed to be the ultimate loner, yet he's on two teams, the x-men and the avengers...does that sound like a loner?? lol gimme cyclops anyday, he's way more interesting than wolvie
loganoneil - 8/11/2009, 11:47 AM
One word for Wolverine (and X-Men)... "REBOOT"! And while they're at it, teach Jackman (or whomever wears the claws) how to FIGHT! There's a HELLUVA' lot more to a Wolvie fight than 'Hack', 'Slash' and 'Thrust'!
JoshWilding - 8/11/2009, 11:52 AM
I wouldnt want a Magneto movie - what story is there to tell? He goes to a cencentration camp, meet Xavier, they fall out - THE END. You could do all that in 25mins, lol!

I say, make a X-Men First Class movie (with the original X-Men and COSTUMES!) or somehow make X-4 even though X-3 almmost killed off the franchise!

I actually quite enjoyed Wolverine (apart from some of the botched Deadpool and Origin stuff) and wouldnt mind a sequel!
Shadowelfz - 8/11/2009, 11:54 AM
How about no Wolvie... no Magneto... no Deadpool... no Storm... just make another damn X-Men movie.
CorndogBurglar - 8/11/2009, 12:02 PM
@ sabretoothtiger

they would need to use different characters. iceman and angel aren't x-men yet in the movies. it would probably be cyke, storm, beast, jean, and someone else if they made a first class movie
MarkCassidy - 8/11/2009, 12:06 PM
I would like another X movie too. But Wolverine is hands down the single greatest comic book character ever invented imo. CDB, that has happened to almost all Marvel characters over the years. Look at Hulk! Bottom line is the likes of Mark Millar and Craig Kyle are writing Wolverine stories batter than anyone has in years.
JoshWilding - 8/11/2009, 12:07 PM
And guys,dont forget to vote for who you want to be Bucky! :)
BaronBubba - 8/11/2009, 12:09 PM

I reported the poster a LONG time ago, Josh. Add the pic. Do it.

JoshWilding - 8/11/2009, 12:16 PM
BarronBubba: what the heck are you talking about!?

Roschach01: Have to agree with you there ROR - not only was Millar's 'Old Man Logan' amazing but the 12 part story he did with John Romita Jr a couple of years back was one of the best comic book stories Ive ever read! pity they couldnt get him to write the script for 'Wolverine 2'!!
BaronBubba - 8/11/2009, 12:19 PM

Also, remember the other kids that got picked up by Xavier. Emma Frost, Quicksilver, Toad, and several others were there... So there are ALOT of potential students. I wouldn't mind Banshee and Sunfire, myself.


Sorry, I poorly worded that. I had meant I reported the "concept" poster yesterday, and that you should add it to the top of the page, lol.
CorndogBurglar - 8/11/2009, 12:29 PM
@ ror

i hear ya, he was GREAT back in the day. but they've given away all the mystery, which is what made wolvie so good in the first place! and being incredibly strong and "unhurtable" is kind of the hulk's thing. i'm not much of a hulk fan though, never have been. i just don't really care too much for characters that your never really worried about, kinda like superman. what's the point if you don't really feel like the hero of the book your reading is in any kind of real danger?
JoshWilding - 8/11/2009, 12:32 PM
BaronBubba: haha, no worries - i thought you meant that but i wanted to be sure before i replied, lol!!! i cant post anything now because CBM have already published the article! next time bud! ;)
JoshWilding - 8/11/2009, 12:37 PM
CorndogBurglar: thatswhy i dont read DC stuff - too any of their heroes are "invincible"! i do read Wolverine though because he is an awesome character!
LEEE777 - 8/11/2009, 12:40 PM

Cool news on the WOLVIE front @ JOSH @ Kudos! ; )
CorndogBurglar - 8/11/2009, 12:52 PM
@ josh

i'm not going to lie, i read wolvie too, but its just irritating to me to see him in EVERYTHING. and every time a different writer gets their hands on him, they try to put their own touch in, and it just adds to the silliness. look at the explanation we got for how he keeps living through fatal injuries. really? so now its not just his healing factor, but everytime he "dies" he fights azrael, the angel of death, in a different plane of existence. if he ever loses that fight then he dies for good? come one now, thats silly. or getting burned down to his skeleton doesn't kill him?? tell me exactly, without a brain or heart, how does his body heal anything?? that's even more silly.
MarkCassidy - 8/11/2009, 12:56 PM
@CDB, yeah thats true too. If they are never in any real danger then it lessons the dramatic effect. Although the writers do pit those characters against even more powerful ones a lot of the time. Plus, its not always action that makes a great story. My favorite ever comic is Sandman. He was more powerful than a god..he could barely be hurt let alone killed but Neil Gaimen managed to make every story amazing.
JoshWilding - 8/11/2009, 1:02 PM
CDB: i choose to ignore that arc about what happens to Wolverine when he dies because i agree its ridiculous! as for the healing thing, im not sure - i guess thats just one of those thing you have to accept like how Hulk trousers dont tear, lol! and yeah Wolverine is in too many books at the moment but i like seeing him in The Avengers interacting with Spider-Man etc.
CorndogBurglar - 8/11/2009, 1:12 PM
@ ror

oh yeah? you read sandman?? thats good stuff, but then again neil gaimen is amazing! and your right, the villains are almost ALWAYS more powerful than the heroes in comics. makes for a better story! i don't know, i like wolvie's attitude, its golden, at least that'll never go away!

@ josh

yeah, thats probably for the better, that arc was just so stupid. nothing supernatural should ever explain anything about wolvie. and don't forget, he's in all those books, but then they throw out 2 or 3 one-shots every month. he's oversaturated, lol
JonF - 8/11/2009, 1:45 PM
I just want to see him wearing his "samurai" helmet from his first two outfits! For once we need to see him in an actual costume; his brown one was fairly realistic and should translate well to film!

The story could start with Wolvie reflecting on leaving Alpha Flight and go from there...The 1982 limited series is the story to go with! Introduce Lady Deathstrike and show Logan getting his humanity back and fighting the Hand! Madriproor should also be featured!

After this one, I'd use ties established in the "Origins" movie to re-start the current X-Men features or start a seperate X-franchise featuring the original team! It's the only way to get out of this mess so long as Fox still holds the rights to Marvel's mutants! Anything other than that requires a waiting a few years for a reboot!

If Marvel focuses on bringing other of its franchises to the big screen, maybe after a few years the public appetite for a new X-Men film will grow and we can start all over again! By then we'll have another generation of new fans, so Marvel really has to concentrate on pushing its classic material in new formats so that the appeal of X-Men doesn't fade with time!
ASSASSIN666 - 8/11/2009, 2:03 PM
Up the claws to you doubting motherf**kers, the next movie will bring it!
MIDAS - 8/11/2009, 2:31 PM
Wasn't Lady Deathstrike in X2?
bobbo68 - 8/11/2009, 2:39 PM
Wolverine is the shit.The X-Men movies have mostly centered around him.And,everyone who is doubting this new and saying you're not going to see it will watch it.I guess we need another movie like Watchmen long and boring.
GUNSMITH - 8/11/2009, 2:39 PM
WulfComicFan - 8/11/2009, 2:43 PM
@ Midas, yes she was. And they made it like he had never seen her before. So A story with her is kinda not plausible.
harrisonefreeman - 8/11/2009, 3:50 PM
I'm pretty sure it's spelled 'Wolverine."
Phileo26 - 8/11/2009, 4:03 PM
I agree joshw, The Magneton movie would be waaaay boring! I too would much rather see X-men first class or X4.

I would vote for bucky (I am looking forward to the captain america movie) but I don't know ANY of the actors that are shown. Can any of them really act??

JoshWilding - 8/11/2009, 4:17 PM
Phileo26: the best choice is Bret Harrison - he's from a brilliant TV show called Reaper! As for Aaron Ashmore - he's an ok actor from Smallville, Jamie Bell is quite a good actor but British and that Garrett guy is a no talent nobody! VOTE Bret Harrison! :)
WeaponX - 8/11/2009, 4:47 PM
It'll be sexier? Jesus H... it sounds like Jackman has been hanging around FOX suits too much.

Wolverine is a flag ship character, like it or not, he's not going away anytime soon and if the character was portrayed properly through and through (Jackman can't do it on his own) not many people would be "sick" of seeing the character. If fact I'd most likely see more encouragement. But since FOX has Nerf Wolverine and they've written the character into a ditch of suck it would be enormously optimistic - maybe even borderline delusional - to think FOX will turn it around with Wolverine 2.

Watchmen was a fantastic comic adaptation. Long and boring would be what A.D.D suffers would describe it, in depth and engaging is what everyone else would say.
CorndogBurglar - 8/11/2009, 5:15 PM
@ anil

i don't know man, cyber and omega red are awesome in the comics, but could you picture them in a movie?? especially one made by fox?? they would pour way too much water in that lemonade, my friend. cyber is like the only person in the world that wolverine is genuinely afraid of, and after what sabretooth did in origins (which was also very watered down, what he did to silver fox in the comics is brutal!) they would have to have cyber do some seriously twisted shit to get that point across.
CorndogBurglar - 8/11/2009, 5:19 PM
plus, i thought it was terrible what they did to Maverick in origins. they took such a badass character and made him a schmuck. Maverick was like my favorite character growing up, even named my dog after him. lol
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