I've already been proved wrong once today with my theory that the "Leviathan" was just a name for the large camera spotted on the set of The Avengers over the weekend. You see, while I may spend a fair bit of time here on CBM writing about movies, I'm not ashamed to admit that I looked at that call sheet and made a wrong assumption when the camera was indeed listed separately. To me, it seemed far more likely than a giant (sea?) creature and many of you agreed that it was a likely possibility. Anyway, here I go again! For a while now, I've wondered whether Joss Whedon would use the alien race he created during his run on Astonishing X-Men, the Breakworlders. Despite originally appearing in an X-Men book, I see no reason why Fox would hold the right to them, and with recent rumors indicating that the aliens in The Avengers may be a mash-up of those from the comics, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to imagine Joss Whedon using a version of the popular alien race in The Avengers.
Flicking through some of the space set issues of Astonishing X-Men a couple of hours ago, my jaw dropped when I came across the word "Leviathan." I couldn't help but think I'd figured it out! So, was it the name of a ship? A giant monster perhaps? Uh, no. Check out this scan from #23.
The word "Leviathan" is used as a Red Herring to fool the X-Men's enemy, Ord. Doesn't it seem like the kind of thing Joss Whedon might do? This is by no means any indication that the alien race in
The Avengers are from the Breakworld (linking those two together would be a bit too much of a stretch I think) but I wouldn't be at all shocked if we've all taken the word far too literally by thinking of it as mysterious creature from the sea, rather than the director simply using a code name from his days on
Astonishing X-Men. Of course, my theory is equally as speculative, but I didn't think that there would be any harm in bringing this up for you guys to think over. I mean, it may just be the actual name of a ship for all we know, but at this point, nothing is clear apart from the fact it's NOT the camera and IS a CGI something or other. Now, while we're on the subject of crazy theories, here's something else I couldn't help but notice. See the comparison below? The weapons do look kind of similar, eh?
As I said, this is purely speculative, but in my opinion may just mean a few things for the movie. Either I'm 100% wrong, and it is indeed a sea creature as the rumors started by a fan on the New York set indicated a few days ago, or "Leviathan" is the code (or actual) name for an alien ship. This reference to
Astonishing X-Men may indicate an easter egg by Joss Whedon or even the inclusion of the Breakworld, but I guess we'll have to wait until next year to find out! For now, I'd love to hear what you guys think, so be sure to share your thoughts in the usual place.
Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America
Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man
Chris Hemsworth as Thor
Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/Hawkeye
Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Ramanoff/Black Widow
Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk
Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury
Tom Hiddleston as Loki
RELEASE DATE: May 4th, 2012. (US)