While his secrecy is known, Christoper Nolan, director of 'Batman' franchise, has yet to share the official title with the cast of his much-anticipated
Dark Knight Rises, that he revealed to The LA Times' Hero Complex last month. The most prominent star, Christian Bale was out promoting his recent drama flick
The Fighter, when he acknowledged not knowing the title, telling
Screen Junkies:
“I don’t even know if that’s true,” Bale said. When I asked him what he thought of the title: “Until Chris tells me, I don’t know.”
Like many, I was so sure that Nolan would title the Dark Knight's return as just that,
The Dark Knight Returns. Seeing as he's labeling the film as the finale, it would be a little odd to publicize 'Returns.' However, I could see the title working out for the fourth film, since it'll most likely be the longest period without the Caped Crusader on the big screen.
The Dark Knight Rises July 20th, 2012, with Tom Hardy as the latest star joining the returning cast — Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, and Michael Caine — and two new female roles to be announced. And shooting commences in May next year.