BARBIE Star Ryan Gosling Responds To Kevin Feige Endorsing Him For MCU's GHOST RIDER

BARBIE Star Ryan Gosling Responds To Kevin Feige Endorsing Him For MCU's GHOST RIDER

RUMOR: Marvel Studios Now Planning A GHOST RIDER Movie And They Want To Cast An A-List Actor
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RUMOR: Marvel Studios Now Planning A GHOST RIDER Movie And They Want To Cast An A-List Actor

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Seejay - 4/9/2012, 9:12 AM

This film is even worse than the first one.

To bad really, Marvel Knights comics do have potential.

Marvel Knights version of Thot is the best one.
SamWinchester - 4/9/2012, 9:33 AM
One of the worst comic book movies I've ever seen in my entire life so far.
CaptainObvious - 4/9/2012, 9:38 AM
"From the guys who brought you Crank."
You guys suck. This is not only one of the worst superhero movies ever, but one of the worst movies ever made.

Sony, do yourselves a favor and give the rights back to Marvel. It's painfully clear that after two tries, you will never get this character right.
Ghostfire - 4/9/2012, 9:39 AM
Didn't even bother seeing it. Not after the disaster that was the first one.
ManofSteel23 - 4/9/2012, 9:40 AM
This was worse than green lantern and FF:rise of the silver surfer...
ManofSteel23 - 4/9/2012, 9:42 AM
and...I didnt even like crank,not the 2nd one anyways,to crazy and stupid for my liking,its funny that they made crank some crazy [frick]er in the 2nd film and then make johnny some crazy [frick]er in this film...
StrangerX - 4/9/2012, 9:42 AM
Kinda glad I didn't go see this.
xsnakeplisskenx - 4/9/2012, 9:50 AM
I regret spending money on this film.
CPBuff22 - 4/9/2012, 9:54 AM
If they release it for $15 on Blu-ray and have some good special features I might be enticed to pick it up.
MARLH - 4/9/2012, 9:58 AM
This movie fooled me like the first Ghost Rider... Well... A third one won't even get my attention. If I am interested in seeing Ghost Rider the movie, I will just watch the trailers. They were the best parts lol.

Man, why can't they get a Ghost Rider movie correct. You know, have plot, and maybe some balls to its story? Hmm
Moakynubs - 4/9/2012, 10:04 AM
Cool. Gonna get this.
MisterBabadook - 4/9/2012, 10:07 AM
I don't know what everybody is tripping on, but don't fall for the bad hype. This movie was badass! Granted I got free tickets and was vaping some sweet Platinum Bullryder in the parking lot 5 minutes before trailers, this movie was insane, non-stop fun (until a bland spot around the 3rd quarter.

I went in expecting this movie to suck and you know what I observed? People here have incredibly biased opinions. If it doesn't involve fist fights, large scale demolition with metal suits or Nolan, everything gets pooh-poohed.

GR:SoV is an incredibly artistic film. It's like the directors said, "Nic, we need you to be the zaniest you have ever been when your in a Johnny Blaze scene, and when he do the MO-CAP, be the calmest, scariest creature you can possibly imagine." So he pictured his pet snake. Honestly, it's one of his best films, and you can sit and read or continue scaling, but I'm going to level the playing field.

For years Nicolas Cage has rehashed the same wacky character over and over again from Face-off. It wasn't until Kickass that he actually tried something new. I think after GR1, he learned to take his comic book characters more seriously. Whatever, anyway, so GR:SoV combines all of the wackiest performances of his last 10 years (WICKERMAN ESPECIALLY [which you can't help but LOVE]) amalgamated into Johnny Blaze. It's his work as the Ghost Rider in SoV that is inspiring. He finally created a NEW acting persona that undoubtedly he will pull from in the years to come for future movies.

As far as the action, this movie and it's marketing team did a PHENOMINAL job not releasing ANY cool footage in the trailers, and even their promo clips on YouTube HEAVILY edit the sequences. There are certain subgenre of action films: shoot'em up (Punisher Warzone), wire-fighting(CTHD), martial arts/beat'em up (Jet Li films), chase (Death Proof, F&tF), and then there's the long forgotten Motorcycle sub genre. This is a badass Motorcycle movie, with eye-melting special effects sequences that make you uneasy, which is EXACTLY the point. It mixes a good amount of horror in with satanic heroics that ultimately carve this movie out as an anti-hero piece.

I loved it, like I loved Crank 1&2. Basically it's Crank 2 turned up to 10 on the WTF meter, minus a lot of the comedy, adding some poor and unnecessary dialogue from Blackout, and including some complex camera work in the road sequences.

***Note: I find it funny how GR:SoV was largely passed on and hailed as shit, when the same people dissing on it are the same people that will defend The Amazing Spiderman, Avengers, and TDKR, 3 movies that aren't even out yet.

I will also say this: "GHOST RIDER: Spirit of Vengeance" is much more enjoyable [to me] than Elektra, Xmen Origins, Daredevil, Ghost Rider 1, Green Lantern, Thor (that's right, WHAT? WHAT?!), Fantastic 4 (1&2), Hulk, Catwoman, Blade 3, Hellboy 2, Ironman 2, and League of Extrodinary Gentlemen.

Okay now stone me to death
CaptainObvious - 4/9/2012, 10:11 AM
@monkeyballs3- Exactly. I already have a couple stinkers in my Blu-ray collection I'm in the process of getting rid of. But adding this would taint my collection even more.
thalidomide - 4/9/2012, 10:17 AM
It's not even download worthy :P
Rothwilder - 4/9/2012, 10:19 AM
Damn Scabs, I have to give it a whirl after that write up
Equivocal - 4/9/2012, 10:23 AM
I'm gonna wait till comes out at RedBox and rent it for $1 dollar and I'll decide...

i rented GL and I even regreted that spent a dollar for that brainless crap intent of a movie !

santoanderson - 4/9/2012, 11:15 AM
I remember when the first trailer for GR:SOV hit, there were more than a few, "Yeah! This movie's gonna rule!", "Nic Cage is the bestest superhero evar!", and "Spirit of Vengeance: movie of the summer!" comments on this site.

marvel72 - 4/9/2012, 11:34 AM
worse film of the year,so far.
Jolt17 - 4/9/2012, 12:03 PM
I still regret seeing the movie in the opening day...certain parts of it are still haunting me until now. The new look of Ghost Rider himself is the only good thing about it.
Jolt17 - 4/9/2012, 12:12 PM
I believe the "final battle" between the Rider and
the Devil (which lasted for around ten seconds)
was actually seen in one of the trailers. :) Also, I'm not sure if featuring a slide show of silly-faced men can be considered as 'artistic'...and so on!
GreyChaos13Zero - 4/9/2012, 12:42 PM
I still gotta check this out, but knowing me, I'll find something to like about it?)

GreyChaos13Zero - 4/9/2012, 12:45 PM

that's a badass pic?)

Dedpool - 4/9/2012, 12:57 PM
As bad as the first was it had a coherent story, this was just action scenes very loosely tied together by a "plot" and Nic Cage acting crazy. Coulda done with out him going crazy every five minutes.
ninjaturtle11 - 4/9/2012, 1:09 PM
it was horrible the first one was better
Whoisstanlee - 4/9/2012, 1:47 PM
Scabsallover YOU DA MAN ! I actually really liked this movie :)
Spidey1996 - 4/9/2012, 2:06 PM
Cool! Ghost Rider rocks! I liked the first one, but I haven't seen the second one, so I do plan on getting it.
ironpool007 - 4/9/2012, 2:31 PM
I was just thinking about this movie today at work, wondering when it would come on Blu Ray. I will definitely buy this movie. I liked it, and personally thought it blew the 1st one away.
mob7medina - 4/9/2012, 3:49 PM
I could understand the bad reviews its hard to get or like the crank directors style of directing and Nic Cage isn't the best well anything well anything and the wine curing him of the ghost rider curse was stupid aside from that I really enjoyed this movie It was Badass!Really Good special Effects!Im Buying it for my Blu Ray collection Ftw!!
CaptainObvious - 4/10/2012, 8:56 AM

Dumbassery arrives-6/12/12
ISleepNow - 4/10/2012, 4:42 PM
Download it for free, be creative, don't sponsor suckiness
ISleepNow - 4/10/2012, 4:45 PM
yeah, any club named SugarmommYlove has gotta be Hot right? >.>
EdgyOutsider - 4/11/2012, 12:37 AM
As I've stated before, I absolutely loved this film although the first one shitty. I really hope they'll make it a trilogy for the simple fact that don't do like Fantastic Four and end it at 2. Make it a trilogy then if you want, then reboot it. I personally can't wait for it on dvd! I also think if they do come out with a third that they should bring back Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, if you didn't like it then don't blame the directors. They had tv writers, write the film so that should explain alot. I personally liked every aspect of it. Again this is all just my opinion.
scmittydude - 4/14/2012, 6:44 PM
Hell yes (yeah I went there)
13comix - 5/7/2012, 5:38 AM
he deserves a better movie
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