In the reboot/sequel
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Idris Elba plays Moreau alongside Nicholas Cage's Johnny Blaze. Idris spoke with the
Huffington Post about his role and his thoughts when he was asked to do
Ghost Rider.
HP: Your character, Moreau, seems like a carefree guy.
Elba: I don't think he cares, but I think he lives in his skin so much that he's well-lived and well-traveled. But he does have a mission.
HP: Did you go to them or did they come to you about this role?
Elba: They came to me.
After the preliminary questions, Elba spoke about his reluctance about signing up for the next outing of The Rider after the lackluster performance of the first film.
HP: This sequel is nothing like the first film. But did it go through your head, "Maybe I shouldn't do this movie because people didn't like the first one?"
Elba: Yeah. It was definitely a sort of like a, "Hm, should I be doing this?" because of the previous film. But, there was a new take on it and I personally know what I can bring to the table and I just felt that there was something there to work with. So, I believe that the second version of Ghost Rider has a completely different DNA. Just a different feeling and tempo -- and I'm part of that. So, hopefully, people will be forgiving.
HP: That's interesting that you say "forgiving." Do you think people are hesitant because of the first one?
Elba: I don't think they're hesitant, no. I think that any preconceptions that they have from the original Ghost Rider is going to go in with them when they see this film. But, they're going to be pleasantly surprised on the way out, I think.

Elba said that it took him a couple of days to decide if he would do it, but he felt it had potential. When asked if he had seen the first film, he said that he had seen "some of it." He also stated he felt that this version was more grounded in reality, that while special effects were a big part of the film, the story is about Johnny Blaze and the audience will feel connected to him.
Elba said he had very little prior knowledge of
Ghost Rider and that he hadn't read any of the comics but did research it after getting the role. He said that the comics were "alright" and that he felt this movie sticks pretty close to the source material.
Johnny Blaze, still struggling with the curse of being the Ghost Rider, is hiding out in a remote part of Eastern Europe when a secret sect of the church asks him to save a boy from the devil. At first Johnny is reluctant to use his power, but it's the only way to save the boy and possibly rid himself of this curse forever.
Ghost Rider cruises into theaters this Friday and stars: Nicolas Cage, Idris Elba, Fergus Riordan, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Christopher Lambert, and Johnny Whitworth