I am pretty new to this site but thought I would give a shot at an editorial. Now this is my opinion not fact and my first article so I apologize if it is not up to standard.
Now when it comes to the reboot of our beloved webhead I must say I left the theater rather happy despite the plot holes, etc. As I'm sure some of you felt as well. However at the end of the movie when Captain Stacey makes Peter promise to "leave Gwen out of it" My mind immediately started racing back to the landmark issue The Amazing Spider-man #121 "The Night Gwen Stacey Died." I started getting all school girl giddy with happiness. The reason being that they completely shafted Gwen Stacey in the Raimi trilogy and that has never sat well with me that she was reduced to a simple minded rebound girl for Peter. We have seen what I thought to be some great chemistry and character development between Peter and Gwen in the first installment which is well deserved because obviously they need to make the audience fall in love with Gwen so her death is that much more dramatic, and when Peter uttered the last line to her "But those are the best kind" I went full retard with excitement.

This brings me to the points of how killing her off in the second movie would be more beneficial to the story as a whole. I believe killing her off in the third movie could be to late for a number of reasons but to start off (and this is my biggest problem with it) if the franchise didn't go past a third installment everything would be to rushed in the final act. You would have Gwen dying then have to have Peter have time to grieve, come back from it, and get to the point where he starts dating Mary Jane. It would feel to forced and unrealistic (without a flash forward but I think that's the lazy way out). Secondly we need to have time to see Peter learn and grow from this experience and really evolve to the all true Peter Parker/Spider-man we all know and love. We need time to see how this effects his psyche and his everyday life of both sides of his mind. If they did it in the third act we would most likely just get a bunch of scenes of him crying to Aunt May then he would be over it. My final reason for this play out is that the Green Goblin is a massive part of the Spider-man mythos and just having him come in the final installment, kill her and then he gets killed or imprisoned all in one movie is incredibly cliche and again rushed, not to mention doesn't do a massive character like Goblin justice. If we had him kill her at the end of TASM2 than it leaves the massive cliff hanger for the third movie, which would bring in a way bigger audience just out of curiosity alone and the whole movie would be a huge, really epic showdown between Peter and menacing Goblin.

So in conclusion this is out I hope it will turn out. We get Rhino and Electro as the villains in TASM2 who are working for Norman or Oscorp in general. Norman is building up to the Green Goblin the whole movie. Rhino and Electro obliviously fail to take down Spidey, which enrages Norman and he then uses the formula to turn into my favorite deranged Goblin, and kills Gwen near the end but not roll credits just yet. We end after Gwens' funeral (which is recently being speculated as currently filming) and Peter vowing his revenge on Goblin. Boom end roll credits and possibly a mid credit scene of Goblin also swearing he's going to finally take down Spider-man in the 3rd chapter. Now that his mind is broken, so will be his bones.
Thanks guys for taking the time to read my editorial! Like I said it's my first one so I am aware it is potentially bad, and it is also my opinion so make sure you guys throw out your opinion in the comments I am interested in hearing all the different ideas.