Spielberg Throws His Name In The Hat For Halo

Spielberg Throws His Name In The Hat For Halo

Movie Mogul Steven Spielberg expresses his interest in producing the most popular X-Box title: Halo! It sounds like it's almost a done deal.

By jman1977 - Aug 10, 2009 07:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Video Games
Source: iesb.net

Spielberg is in aggressive negotiations to produce Halo, a story about a cybernetically enhanced human super soldier, and his artificial intelligence companion, Cortana. Rumor is Spielberg was massively impressed by the script turned in by Stuart Beattie.

Spielberg is also looking for the next DreamWorks tent pole movie with distribution over at Walt Disney, after losing Transformers to Paramount in the separation. Spielberg thinks Halo will be the ticket, and besides that Spielberg is a intense gamer according to Shia LaBeouf.

"I get there and stick my head in to ask if he's ready-and this is classic Spielberg-he says, ‘Nope, Shia. I'm trapped!' " LaBeouf then starts playing both parts-concerned protégé and faraway mentor:

"You're trapped? Steven, what are you talking about?"

"I'm trapped back here. Follow my voice."

"Where are you?"

"Over here... Here... Here!"

LaBeouf kept following the calls until he got to the director's office. And there was the master himself: shoes off, socks on, dressed in shooting gear, but sitting behind a computer, stuck on the fifteenth level of a first-person shooter called BioShock.

"This is like months to get to this level, and he can't get past this one little mysterious spider god, and he's losing his mind. He's like, ‘I can't do it, Shia! I can't do it.' "

CAA, who rep both Spielberg and Stuart Beattie, is pushing these negotiations into over drive.

Sounds good to me. I would have liked to see Peter Jackson's take on Halo, but it looks like Johnny and I will get to see Jackson's take on Sci-fi this Friday night at the Portage IMAX Theater while watching and reviewing District 9. Hopefully Spielberg gets the Halo gig. Imagine how awesome a video/comic movie would be with the most successful director in Hollywood sitting in the Producers chair.

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LEEE777 - 8/10/2009, 8:08 AM
Whoever does this, its gonna be great anyway!

vonstallin - 8/10/2009, 8:20 AM
SS, is a cool and good producer and directer. Unlike Lucas he dont get caught up on himself. (im still a lucas fan tho).

One thing is sure...If you attach SS name to it he will get what ever $$$$ he needs to make the movie. I dont think M. Bay would have got the loot to make transformers if SS wasn't attached.
AvengingAngel1022 - 8/10/2009, 8:25 AM
finally some halo news speilberg and jackson please
superdog - 8/10/2009, 8:38 AM
ofcourse you did lee777, ofcourse you did :)
answer - 8/10/2009, 8:43 AM
I'm just going to come out and say it!

I hate Halo!
GUNSMITH - 8/10/2009, 9:41 AM
TheShakeBake - 8/10/2009, 9:49 AM
Ive been waiting for HAlo news for sooooo long lol it will be simply amazing

Rokrad - 8/10/2009, 9:53 AM
I'm seeing a duo of Jackson and Spielberg... hey they are working together on the Adventures of Tintin, supposedly they are pretty good friends.
BaronBubba - 8/10/2009, 10:06 AM
Screw Halo... Screw Gears of War. The ONLY recent shooting series that needs to be a movie is the "Resistance: Fall of Man" Series. I think it'd be much better if done right.
DoIlookLIkeIGiveAFuk - 8/10/2009, 10:20 AM
the rock for master chief so he can call the flood a bunch of [frick]ing jabronees
SdProphet - 8/10/2009, 10:47 AM
Hahah brad pitt for master chief

I bet a million bucks Shia is gonna try and find his way into this movie
CaptainAmerica - 8/10/2009, 10:49 AM
CGI for Master Chief, and just hire the guy who voiced him. That is all
CaptainAmerica - 8/10/2009, 10:59 AM
Hey J-Man, you dont EVER EVER EVER check the articles do you? This story was already posted, so was your Lettier interview. Still the same old J-man huh?
Legendaryssj - 8/10/2009, 11:59 AM
give it to james cameron haha

ill gladly wait a fe more years to see halo get what it deserves a [frick]ing epic director who will do everyting right
GUNSMITH - 8/10/2009, 12:39 PM
NJdevil12 - 8/10/2009, 12:55 PM
i agree with captainamerica, cgi, and guy that voiced master chief
MarkCassidy - 8/10/2009, 1:12 PM
Guys, thats not how the main page thing works at all. If an article is posted that is full of typos or has large chunks copied and pasted directly from the source or is just too short it will not make the main. Also, if an article is not noticed by one of us for a few days it needs to be re posted because moving it to the main then would just shoot it way down to the bottom. There isn't some big conspiracy going on here! I had a huge article in Olmos being cast in Green Hornet written out earlier and scrapped it when i noticed sirprize got there first. If its good enough, and we see it, it will get to the main.
warmachine88 - 8/10/2009, 1:13 PM
i hate halo..damn and on top of this shit gears of war movie ahhhhh..so gayyyyyyyyyyyy
LEEE777 - 8/10/2009, 3:10 PM
Superdog @ ; D
dancingmonkey08 - 8/10/2009, 3:30 PM
I am a die-hard Halo fan, it rivals my love for comic book movies but I have been a bit sceptical over a Halo movie because it was supposed to be in production for the last couple of years and a million things stopped it from going into production up to the point that it basically got cancelled. But if Steven decides to produce the Halo movie, maybe it could be good. It could go either way, from Transformers 1 good or Transformers 2 less than good. I will wait and see what happens but Im not really expecting anything out of this. I think they should just make a Halo CG animated movie (a proper feature length one, not this new Halo Legends short films even though it looks good). This will save on costs and it means it would look awesome.

I just cant wait for Halo 3: ODST & Reach!

And theAnswer, BaronBubba, and warmachine88 (or as you are otherwise known as PS3 fanboys!), you have made an enemy out of me for your hatred comments about Halo and Gears Of War! lol No but seriously why do you hate them? I love both games because they are fun and easy to play and they both have amazing stories, better than most of the comic book movies that have been released this year

Good idea for a poll, man. But CaptainAmerica had the perfect answer, do Master Chief as CGI and let the great Steve Downed voice him, just like they did with the great Peter Cullen as Optimus in Transformers

You're damn right, no Brett Ratner for this movie!

Oh god no, thats my worst nightmare ever, Shia ends up being the Master Chief. The day that happens is the day he mysteriously disappears! lol I think Shia should play Jenkins and get horribly [frick]ed up by the Flood! lol Also Samuel L Jackson for Sargeant Johnson, Nick Cage for Captain Keyes, Megan Fox for Cortana and Ryan Reynolds as 343 Guilty Spark!
CaptainAmerica - 8/10/2009, 5:04 PM
Heres the thing i dont get, if im just a visitor here and i notice all these articles how come none of the mods or editors notice them?
Rokrad - 8/10/2009, 5:41 PM
Ok everyone stop the rumor mill... Niell Blomkamp (District 9) was the director chosen to direct it but the production fell apart because of the writers. Peter Jackson still wants to be apart of the production but is not sure any more now.
CorndogBurglar - 8/10/2009, 7:19 PM
does it really matter who plays master chief?? you never once see his face in any of the games. i say get tyler mane to play him, and have someone else voice him. the guy needs to be big, master chief is like 8 feet tall...
darthstern - 8/10/2009, 8:02 PM
Hey griff with that reasoning why make a movie about spiderman he's been around almost 50 years or bat man or superman theve been around almost 70
TucsonRican - 8/10/2009, 8:46 PM
Get ready for Master Chief to just be known as John, and never wear the helmet...
warmachine88 - 8/10/2009, 8:56 PM
@dancingmonkey am not a fan boy just statin the truth its gay..i mean i would rather play gears than halo and i dont really like that game anyway..but still xbox only has gears and halo if it wasnt for that it wouldnt be anything..but anywho back to movie itll b an epic fail..
AvengingAngel1022 - 8/10/2009, 9:13 PM
what is it with you guys and sam worthington just saying
VenomIsOnMyRibs - 8/11/2009, 11:59 AM
Yes finally! Halo is back and I'm loving it.

If Spielberg does it he will do it justice, the guys not retarded.
From what I've heard the script is based off the book "The Fall of Reach" which is a good read as are most of the Halo books. Pretty excited hope to hear some more news soon.
dancingmonkey08 - 8/11/2009, 5:53 PM
Well you're entitled to your opinion warmachine88, I am not going to argue with you. Isnt it great to have an adult conversation like this and not be calling each other names because there are many websites where if you disagree with someone's opinion, they insult you. So thanks for not being one of these types of assholes. Btw, what games do you like?

If the Halo script is based on the Fall of Reach, it would be damn good because it is the best Halo book
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