EDITORIAL: You Should Stop Asking For A WONDER WOMAN Movie

EDITORIAL: You Should Stop Asking For A WONDER WOMAN Movie

Princess Diana of Themyscira has not yet received the film treatment and there are currently no plans to give her a solo film in the DC Cinematic Universe, so here's my reason as to why you should stop asking for Wonder Woman to happen...

Editorial Opinion
By TheAlexLynch - Sep 10, 2013 04:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Wonder Woman

Whenever we get an article about Warner Bros. and their DC Comics films, some smartass always says “How can Marvel have a talking raccoon yet DC and WB don’t have Wonder Woman?” and to be honest, that isn’t really a joke. I say this with the utmost respect to Wonder Woman and her fans, but she doesn’t have a general appeal to the movie-going audience.

A Wonder Woman solo film has a very slim chance at being a well-written, well-structured and well-directed movie, but also has a very high chance of being a commercial/ financial failure. Wonder Woman toys aren’t the most marketable item out there (which David E. Kelley mocked in his pilot, in a scene I found both funny and awkward) and furthermore, Wonder Woman’s box office potential isn’t anywhere near The Dark Knight trilogy or Man Of Steel’s grosses. In the past, action movies with female leads rarely grossed over 300M$ (something that is considered to be a good thing amongst comic book movies these days especially considering their high budgets.) Not only have female action movies not proven to be commercially successful thus far, but they’ve been tried before in the comic book genre as well and performed poorly at the box office. Wonder Woman is a character with a deep and rich mythology that can’t be covered in a 2 hour film or in multiple sequels despite most people thinking it’s as simple as “I live on Themyscira with hot Amazons and then travel to the human world and become Wonder Woman!”. And, unfortunately for film, mythology-fantasy types aren’t that successful commercially or critically with recent examples being John Carter, Percy Jackson and the Clash of The Titans series. Yes, you could argue that these movies were successful when looking at their production costs and their source material, but they are simpler to adapt. While this genre has some slight profit in the box office department, the aforementioned films have barely gotten over a 50% critical rating Rotten Tomatoes. Something about the fantasy element just doesn’t work whether it’s the effects, the portrayal or the importance to the mythos.

The problem with Wonder Woman, first and foremost, is general audience and commercial appeal. I’m speaking about this as a Wonder Woman fan, too. She’s one of my favorite characters in comics. If we look at the last 10 or so years, which are most memorable for moviegoers, the only recently successful film in terms of box office with a female lead was Snow White And The Huntsman which brought in 396M$ worldwide, but unfortunately only managed to get a 48% critical rating on Rotten Tomatoes. However, that film also had Chris Hemsworth and Kristen Stewart’s star-power. Zack Snyder, one of the men behind the current DC Cinematic Universe, directed a female-lead film -- Sucker Punch -- which barely managed to bring in 100M$ worldwide with a 23% Rotten Tomatoes critical rating. There are plenty of female-lead action movies out there that are successful, such as Resident Evil, but those films aren’t quite amazing despite bringing in a lot of money. Hell, we’ve tried this before in the comic book genre and failed miserably (Elektra, Catwoman). These films even sported sex appeal and slutty costumes, so it somewhat confirms that sexual appeal is not a deciding factor when it comes to a lady lead’s costume. Nonetheless, they also had terrible acting, bad scripts/dialogue and horrible direction. It’d be an absolute dream if WB got a screenwriter whose really good with female characters and then passed it on to a comic book author such as J.H Williams or Geoff Johns for polish. I also think it’d be interesting if Alan Taylor directs, but we’ll see after Thor: The Dark World.

Speaking of the costume, I have a feeling that it’s one of the reasons Wonder Woman isn’t happening successfully. In 2013, it’s just somewhat unacceptable in society – Lady Gaga notwithstanding - to go around wearing little more than lingerie. When it comes to Diana's costume you’ll have boycotts or complaints no matter how you manage to do it because she’s an important character in comics. We put shiny Lycra pants on her in Adrianne Palicki’s unaired television pilot and everyone cried foul, but if we were to take the pants off (which they ultimately did in the show’s climax, but not many saw) you’d have those feminist comic “fans” complaining that the costume is too sexually appealing. The only medium I’ve seen it adapted perfectly with no complaints so far, ironically, is an image released from the upcoming Wonder Woman XXX by Axel Braun (see left image) because in a porn parody, you can’t be “too slutty” and it’s a shame and the height of irony that the porn world might be able to adapt Wonder Woman’s costume before anyone else could. However, on television, Wonder Woman’s costume could be similar if they manage to figure out what they want to do with the lower-half of her to make it socially acceptable, even in their fictional universe. But it seems all the studios are forgetting about Xena: Warrior Princess who sported a costume VERY similar to an Amazonian warrior and there were no complaints about her awesome breastplate armor. Now, I’m not saying there are variations of Wonder Woman’s costume that include other aspects like pants that HAVE worked, but it’s going to be tough for whoever is in charge to design a reasonable costume and this dilemma affects male superhero films as well, just not as prominently.

That said, it’s 2013 and we live in an age where female-driven entertainment is becoming more and more prominent and better, such as the new Tomb Raider game which was absolutely fantastic and is receiving the movie treatment... but we also have a lot of great television shows with female leads that have proved to be successful such as Continuum, Nikita, Lost Girl and Scandal. Furthermore, television shows have the budget to be absolutely spectacular these days which is why shows like Person Of Interest, Arrow, Doctor Who and more make some cinematic-type episodes. I honestly feel that Princess Diana has a better place on television that could work up to a solo movie mainly because all of the elements in her story – mythology, adventure, action and romance – all work on television incredibly well, even on The CW network. Think about it, Wonder Woman and her story embodies an element from each popular CW show on the air right now, so that’s why the network is perfect for her not only because of Arrow’s success, but the network has a big draw to the comic and genre audience and this show would only bring them in more viewers. I’m somewhat sad we aren’t getting “Amazon” as soon as I had hoped (I loved Smallville and I love Arrow so I’m open to her island days) however, in Season 3 of Arrow, they could introduce Steve Trevor (the love interest of Wonder Woman) as a member of A.R.G.U.S (since he’s an important part of that team in the comics right now) and whilst he's on his way out of Arrow’s world, Amanda Waller could give him a mission that ultimately ends with Waller getting a message stating that Steve crashed in an uncharted island. We’ve had a Wonder Woman television show before that THRIVED and that was back in the old days, so why is it so impossible to get one up and running now?

Overall, I feel like Wonder Woman is in the same position as The Flash. There’s just SO MUCH origin story to tell, a great amount of background and plenty of characters to show that can’t all be crammed into a 2 hour movie. This is the case for quite a few Justice Leaguers but in the end, I’d rather see Wonder Woman thrive in any sort of medium rather than have a failed movie that kills her reputation. Don’t you agree?
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Indy - 9/10/2013, 4:17 PM
SnapperCarr - 9/10/2013, 4:19 PM
No, I don't agree.
LEVITIKUZ - 9/10/2013, 4:20 PM
Well it's that time again:

Sorry Alex but I must be honest, you went full retard. It's the truth man. Wonder Woman can't work?

Come closer. That's right.

*Levi smacks Alex repeatedly.
SnapperCarr - 9/10/2013, 4:21 PM
"Whenever we get an article about Warner Bros. and their DC Comics films, some smartass always says “How can Marvel have a talking raccoon yet DC and WB don’t have Wonder Woman?” and to be honest, that isn’t really a joke."

It isn't a joke because it is sad how DC can't get one of their most prominent figures on the big screen while Marvel is getting a previously obscure gun toting raccoon and walking tree in a movie, yet DC keeps giving us the excuse that a WW movie is hard.
LEVITIKUZ - 9/10/2013, 4:23 PM
Hell just adapt the Wonder Woman Animated Film, it was good.

Thegoddamnbatman52 - 9/10/2013, 4:23 PM
Iron man, thor, and captain america didn't have mass appeal at first either. But they were still given a chance and now all three of them either have sequels or are getting them. WB needs to give this character a chance to. I think the real reason is that they don't have confidence in a female super hero film. That's why we haven't heard anything about Jessica Jones or Miss Marvel either. It's really sad and pathetic but it's true unfortunately
ForeverPowerful - 9/10/2013, 4:24 PM
If you make her costume practical, people wont second guess it. Shes a warrior, why would she be wearing a swimsuit into battle? She'd be wearing armor with crests all over it.

And the idea that movies with female leads having a bad track record doesn't mean anything. Just because it hasnt happened yet doesnt mean its never going to happen. You get the right people, it will happen.

You dont get a generic pogostick in the suit, you get someone who can be a role model to women and looks believable.
gambgel - 9/10/2013, 4:24 PM
just read a few lines here and there.

Definetly disagree with this editorial.

Every hero could be made by the right team. Just some changes will be made, as always.
FrankInStereo - 9/10/2013, 4:24 PM
Editorial: CBM should knock it off with the editorials.

*end editorial*
SnapperCarr - 9/10/2013, 4:25 PM
Wonder Woman can work and there is something that she has that gives her staying power. How was she able to be the only superheroes alongside Batman and Superman who survived the collapse of the Golden Age and the comics industry because Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent causing people to blame comics for kids behaving bad?
MrCBM56 - 9/10/2013, 4:25 PM
Oh boy...

ForeverPowerful - 9/10/2013, 4:25 PM
The main reason I dont want her on a TV show is because I know they'll turn it into a convoluted soap opera type deal. Arrow doesnt rely on that, something that I am extremely happy and surprised with. If its on the CW, it has a chance to be like that.

Only way I'd accept that is if it had the same production quality as Spartacus.
MarkCassidy - 9/10/2013, 4:26 PM
Honestly dude you make some very good points..and I agree that she'd be a very difficult character to adapt, but not impossible..I think I COULD be done well with the right script, director and obviously actress. But that being said, why on Earth should we stop asking for a movie featuring her? Gimme it!!
Greengo - 9/10/2013, 4:27 PM
Just introduce her in a Batman or Superman movie a'la MoS2 and have her beat Supes' and Batman's on par with the Faora beat down and BOOM their will be a ground swell of support for a solo film.

Hell maybe they should leave an easter egg for her in MoS2.
FordEl - 9/10/2013, 4:27 PM
@Snapper Carr. I'd rather them wait until they feel they finally have the one instead of just putting it out there just to do it. I would want them to take their time and be comfortable with the script they have and movie foward. We know they have been trying to make it work for awhile so I dont want something just passable or bleh just to be there.
skullboy - 9/10/2013, 4:28 PM
Cuz Warner Bros. are...

chickens gifs photo: Run chickens, run! run-chickens_o_GIFSoupcom.gif
CaptainObvious - 9/10/2013, 4:28 PM
If a Thor movie can be made, so can a Wonder Woman movie.
MarkCassidy - 9/10/2013, 4:29 PM
Oh yeah guys..there's currently a competition on CBM to win 500 quid for an editorial (also review, feature etc), so that's why you're seeing so many of them..people are trying to win it. Fancy a go? Great. Can't write worth a [frick]ing damn? Great..shut the [frick] up moaning about it..it's only till the end of Sep.
LEVITIKUZ - 9/10/2013, 4:29 PM
The perfect director for Wonder Woman:

SageMode - 9/10/2013, 4:29 PM

SnapperCarr - 9/10/2013, 4:30 PM
"Wonder Woman is a character with a deep and rich mythology that can’t be covered in a 2 hour film or in multiple sequels despite most people thinking it’s as simple as “I live on Themyscira with hot Amazons and then travel to the human world and become Wonder Woman!”"

Have you seen Wonder Woman's 1 hour 25 minutes animated movie? Its a perfect modernization of her mythos and at the same time serves as a great window into her mythos for the general audience.

It had numerous amounts of great scenes like the following two:

FlixMentallo21 - 9/10/2013, 4:31 PM
Hollywood's been plagued by cowardice for too long--it's time for a definitely hostile takeover by more progressive minds.
FordEl - 9/10/2013, 4:32 PM
Funny how fanboys say not to rush it but when they say they havent been comfortable with a script yet they say they are cowards...Fanboy logic. Just wait.
SnapperCarr - 9/10/2013, 4:33 PM
Just adapt the animated movie, but tweak it slightly to fit into the movie universe. One thing that movie as well as the Marvel movies do is they keep things simple. Man of Steel had this whole codex subplot that wasn't really needed. For characters like Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, etc who are going to have their first live action movie, you have to keep things simple.
SnapperCarr - 9/10/2013, 4:33 PM
Alan Taylor would be perfect for Wonder Woman. WW needs that Game of Thrones feel to it.
LEVITIKUZ - 9/10/2013, 4:34 PM
I don't get why people are saying "oh Marvel's doing a movie with a talking raccoon before DC does Wonder Woman" and it's a big deal.

These been movies with talking animals for years, it's nothing new.

Now action packed movies with female leads that are good? That's not easy to do.
Highflyer - 9/10/2013, 4:34 PM
I agree with the whole costume issue. She's barley wearing anything. Don't get me wrong, I like wonder woman but it won't be easy.
Facade - 9/10/2013, 4:36 PM
And Cheetah or Giganta would be the villains...pffft...solo movie AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN, folks.
LucasMend - 9/10/2013, 4:37 PM
Wonder Woman movie needs the size and style of God of War. But with character development of course, and no earth. And is indeed VERY hard to work with: character, suit etc etc.
DaVinci31 - 9/10/2013, 4:38 PM
The whole mythology and wear ideas are well on point. However studios will always be turned off by the idea of a woman driven movie because the general audience wouldn't accept it, which is sad. Mainly because that same audience believed Sucker Punch was a slap in the face to women, too.

Gambitz - 9/10/2013, 4:39 PM
Wonder Woman can't work as a film? -______-
SnapperCarr - 9/10/2013, 4:39 PM
I honestly feel that Princess Diana has a better place on television that could work up to a solo movie mainly because all of the elements in her story – mythology, adventure, action and romance – all work on television incredibly well, even on The CW network

Wonder Woman should not belong on TV unless its animated. A live action TV show would never be able to showcase her full mythos entirely.
niceguyeddie - 9/10/2013, 4:39 PM
They should just adapt Joss Whedon's script. They own it right?
Ineedrevelation - 9/10/2013, 4:39 PM



LEVITIKUZ - 9/10/2013, 4:40 PM

But I haven't written my editorials yet...


FordEl - 9/10/2013, 4:41 PM
@DaVinci. Sucker Punch was ok. Just could have been bigger with tweaks here and there. Never understood the sexist arguments against it though
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