Bill Pullman Offers An Update On INDEPENDENCE DAY 2
While chatting about his upcoming role as The President on the TV show 1600 Penn, actor Bill Pullman talked about the status of Independence Day 2, and said there is a contingency plan in case Will Smith decides not to do the film.

Bill Pullman is no stranger to playing the President of The United States. He is currently playing the role as the Commander and Chief in the new television series 1600 Penn, and he played one in the Summer blockbuster Independence Day. Rumors have been swirling for a long time now as to when or if we will get a sequel to the film that launched Will Smith to movie stardom. While speaking with CraveOnline Pullman gave this hopeful update on the film, "Within a year(They might start shooting), yeah, something like that I guess. I worried about taking this part because it’s heating up." He said that he talked to director Roland Emmerich and producer Dean Devlin about his schedule with 1600 Penn, and they told him to go for the series that they would work around it if Independence Day 2 get made.
One of the sticking points with getting the film made is whether Smith will do it or not. He has expressed some interest on returning to the role of Captain Steven Hiller, but if he doesn't Pullman said there is a back up plan. "“The Will Smith part of it may be ongoing but I think there’s strategies for both. I like what I have to do in both of them. I’m not in an old age home in a wheelchair being wheeled out for one more moment. It’s a very interesting conception of what happens to Whitmore between then and when it picks back up," he explained. So even if Smith decides not to do it, there is a chance that the project could move forward.
With all of this being said though, the sequel has had trouble getting off the ground. Being a realist, Pullman is not holding his breath because the project is as he called it, "plagued." It is however, encouraging to hear that it does not all fall on whether or not Will Smith wants to do the film. For the latest on all Scifi Movies make sure to check back here at CBM.