Early Wolverine Movie Review is No Joke!

Early Wolverine Movie Review is No Joke!

Our friends over at WeAreMovieGeeks.com swear that this super early review of X-Men Origins: Wolverine is not a joke. What do you think?

By NateBest - Mar 09, 2009 06:03 PM EST
Source: WeAreMovieGeeks.com

Here're the good bits that you can't totally divine from the trailer, but head on over to WeAreMovieGeeks for the whole write-up...

SPOILER WARNING: You have been warned!

Fast forward to 1970-something Viet Nam. Logan and his brother Victor (aka Sabretooth) are soldiers and Victor has become an irrational bully who has no problem killing anyone that gets in his way. This leads to both of them being locked up in the brig for a very long time. Enter a higher up military officer (Stryker) who offers to get them out of there if they agree to join his special ops team. This elite team is made up of other mutants, all with various different, really cool “powers.” Mission after mission goes by, with Victor really taking a liking to the violence and developing an appetite for killing. Logan, on the other hand, draws the line at being ordered to kill innocent people and decides to walk away. Off he goes to live a quiet life in the Canadian wilderness with his girlfriend/wife/whoever

Cut to various former members of the special ops team being killed. No reason is apparent. The former leader of the group (Stryker) finds Logan in his now lumberjack career and tells him about this. Logan says thanks for the warning but I can take care of myself. As he returns to his work, he senses something is not right and then notices bloody claw marks on a tree. He runs to find his girlfriend/wife/whoever lying dead with gashes across her throat. Victor has killed her. Now its personal and Logan flies into a rage. He finds Victor and a battle ensues. But they basically have the same “powers” so it’s impossible for one to beat the other. Victor flees and Logan agrees to let Stryker help him become more powerful, and therefore able to go kill Victor. Cut to the “lab” scene from the trailer, new steel blades ready to do some serious damage. I don’t want to give it away, but one of my favorite parts of the movie is when we find out where the name “Wolverine” comes from… oooh I just got goosebumps thinking about it… haha. HUGE SPOILER: “the crazy mad scientist, Stryker, is kidnapping them all (mutants) and keeping them prisoners because he is takin their DNA to make a Super Mutant…one guy with ALL the powers... IT’S RYAN REYNOLD’S CHARACTER, Wade Wilson / Deadpool...its so creepy when you see him at the end!!”

The reviewer ends by assuring us that there are great fight scenes and a ton of "holy @#%&!!" moments -- declaring that fans will cheer. While some of this could be figured out from the trailers and clips we have seen, it is odd that the spoiler didn't mention more about the Silver Fox. In the comics she is not actually killed and joins the Weapon X program. Also, the war in Viet Nam was pretty much over by 72, but that is a minor history error that may not have been relayed in the movie at all. Lastly, and most bothersome is that he teases stuff like the origin of Wolverine's name, and that there will be some end credit stuff, but he doesn't tell us what it is. Why wouldn't he spoil THAT since he's spoiling everything else? For my part, I'm a bit skeptical about the validity of this review.

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MarkCassidy - 3/9/2009, 6:31 PM
Mmm, i doubt its real. Like you say he mentions absolutely nothing that couldnt be pieced together or guessed at from the trailers

Actually iv just read the full review and this is definately bullshit! There is no way anyone is going to see this and not mention if we see Deadpool in costume or not..NO FRAKKIN WAY!
answer - 3/9/2009, 6:41 PM
No chance this is real. There is no chance the the story is that easliy guessed from the trailer and acctually be true. I agree with you whole heartedly Rorschach..

No Frelling Way!!!
ThisFan - 3/9/2009, 6:57 PM
seems fake theres no real good info there that anyone couldnt make up by watching the trailers and clips
crazyish - 3/9/2009, 7:00 PM
please be fake
TheSoulEater - 3/9/2009, 7:14 PM
adamrich81 - 3/9/2009, 7:21 PM
I'm with you guys. I just get a bullsh*t vibe from this whole thing. Pieced together from trailers. I'm sure it'll kick ass when it comes out though. Also, shame on CBM for posting this under the headline 'review is no joke' AND contradicting it themselves in their own write up. AHHHHH bullsh*t abound! What's a fanboy to do?
CrookedJaw - 3/9/2009, 8:04 PM
yeah, this is total horse sh** totally fake. It's not Ryan Reynold's character, cuz he's Deadpool, and IMDB.com has already said that weapon XI is played by another actor, not Ryan...this could totally be guessed from internet info and the trailers, and is pretty simple and stupid...fake, fake, fake
alten2345 - 3/9/2009, 8:40 PM
I'd say it's a fake simply because of the fact that the person includes a "spoiler" of what would be the biggest f*ck you to fans in a comic book movie to date: Deadpool being the crazy ass mutant with everybodys powers at the end. I'd call it a fake for that alone.
Talontd - 3/9/2009, 8:43 PM
DJCheckPoint - 3/9/2009, 8:48 PM
Come on!!!! Who da [frick] are you kidding with this bs review
Juicerules - 3/9/2009, 9:14 PM
This is bogus. I agree that why would the reviewer spoil some things and not others.
YohonKalic - 3/9/2009, 9:25 PM
Well I hope its wrong, but as most of you know, comic book movies are never done right, "phoenix" as an example, but I do hope they get this movie somewhat right. I think everyone has seen the blurry picture of the character in question, but I don't know if you've seen these clear pics. Good enough to read the back, I guess it could still be fake, but why go through all the trouble....

hope these links work, also yeah my first comment!!!

(back of box)

(group shot)

(Next to masked deadpool)
CrookedJaw - 3/9/2009, 9:26 PM
haha, thanks talontd, and Alexander Frost, I've seen those figures too, you're right, the figure with the blades is not Deadpool
Gideon - 3/9/2009, 9:26 PM

Please, oh please, can you, please, change your avatar? I am what you could call "fat-a-phobic" and every time I see that damn thing it makes me want to dig out my eyeballs with a rusty spade! LOL!

And yeah, I thought it was a fake review also....
YohonKalic - 3/9/2009, 9:35 PM
Well ive seen the trailers and it doesnt really look like thats him under all that makeup, also looks abit skinny to be Ryan.

How do I make the pic a link, also i made my name Yohon Kalic, I didnt know it would show my real name lol, but my user name wouldnt let me use a space, so i made that my name and now i got a space.... not that, that has anything to do with anything lol......
TheSoulEater - 3/9/2009, 10:05 PM
But Scott Adkins is Playing Mutant Prime/M-XI, so it cant be Deadpool!
Minotauro - 3/9/2009, 10:34 PM
They guy who left the review is a complete tool...
YohonKalic - 3/9/2009, 10:52 PM
Well also alot of people in the comic world have been calling Daken, Weapon XI, Daken is wolverines son. of course I cant back the part of him being Weapon XI but he has three claws just in different spots, and there bone like, I dont know who this weapon XI is in this movie, but if it is deadpool that will be super lame lol.
thenumber12 - 3/9/2009, 11:27 PM
If XI is Deadpool i will not see this movie.
CaptainCook42 - 3/9/2009, 11:29 PM
Mmmyep. This review is crap.
YohonKalic - 3/9/2009, 11:31 PM
COME ON SWORD HANDS, LASER EYES, ITS GOT TO BE GOOD... no?...... guess not....

OMG IVE GOT IT, Deadpool knows hes in a movie based on a comic, then like a dream learns to control it and gives himself all the cool powers hes ever wanted........no?.... guess not....
TylerDayspring - 3/9/2009, 11:49 PM
shibazz - 3/9/2009, 11:56 PM
Buckey as Cap Sucks big Balls!!! and not the good kind! haahaha ,,,,, i know the story is intriguing but honestlyits just Bucky holding a shield and it kinda makes the shield look more like a pepsi symbol to me,,,,, kinda like "YOur Company Logo Here" sign. Thats it lets rent out our favorite superheroe logos as Ad space! Fu@#in' Bucky! honestly and i mean this with absolutely no disrespect to my Northern Sisters and Brothers but Bucky is like a Canadian Capt. America. sorry
YohonKalic - 3/10/2009, 12:06 AM
That pic is bad, but in the cap suit he looks pretty good, punisher looked good as cap too.
Hyson - 3/10/2009, 1:32 AM
This is as real as they come, folks. There is no way that this is fake. Seriously. This is truth. Most realistic thing that I've read. In fact, I doubt none of you knew what the reviewer was talking about prior to reading this page. Psch, piecing it together from internet, imdb.com, pics, and trailers... rubbish. None of you knew - face it. This guy wins. He knows all. I worship him. HE IS ALL THAT IS JAMES HOWLETT!!!!!

P.S. Deadpool sucks. The Blob is better.
thedjant - 3/10/2009, 4:09 AM
This is so false!!!
TheMyth - 3/10/2009, 4:33 AM
This is a fake, and not a very good one. He is so incredibly vague, everything he wrote I took from the trailer's myself. I'm not gonna waste any of my time writing more to analyze this obsurdity. I will say this, and you can all take my word for it as I'm 100% positive that is not Deadpool at the end as Weapon XI. So don't worry yourselves. I've even seen a few threads claiming that DP will get his scars and mask by the end of the movie(don't know how reliable that is, but I have been seeing it alot lately) Rest assured everyone, I have higher expectations for this movie than Watchmen, and I think it'll deliver!
wearemoviegeeks - 3/10/2009, 6:15 AM
What would you guys like to know about the movie? The person that sent it to me said he would spoil anything we wanted to know..so tell me, what do you want to know and Ill get the answer?
TheSoulEater - 3/10/2009, 6:18 AM
Matt1212 - 3/10/2009, 6:46 AM
It is true. The toy line that is comming out confirms that the mutated character at the end of the movie is an altered Deadpool - "the Ultimate Mutant".

If you've seen the last trailer you will see that this version of Deadpool (aka Weapon XI) undergoes a pretty severe transformation. I don't know why they didn't just have Ryan Reynolds play him - but they didn't.

It looks like the execs at Fox put together this character of Weapon XI (there is no real anticedant character in the Marvel Universe) and saw Deadpool as a way to get to that character. I can see the meeting now. "I know lets make a mutant that has the powers of every other mutant for Wolverine to fight at the end - that's be cool. And we could sell another action figure!" (high fives all around the conference room table).

When is Fox going to realize they are alienating their main audience with this crap. They could have easily had a Deadpool spin-off move, as the character has a huge following, but how do you come back from making Deadpool into some mutant Frankenstein monster. The answer is you don't, your audience isn't as stupid as you Fox executives. They are invested in these characters, and wants to see their stories treated the way Marvel treats them. They don't just want to see something cool.
Note to Fox Execs, whenever you find yourself saying "You know what would be cool ..." just forget whatever thought comes next, because it and you will never be cool.
sniktchick74 - 3/10/2009, 7:59 AM

If your source has seen the movie, they'd know why SilverFox appears to be dead at one point (at the cabin/mountains) then seems to show back up later on at Weapon X. Wolverine is shown falling to his knees on a beach w/ her in his arms, again.

They'd also know what extra footage was at the end of the credits.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 3/10/2009, 9:12 AM
If this isn't a joke then it's written by a retard, and we all know you never go full retard!

That review could have been cooked up by anyone who's seen the clips and trailers on here. The main flaw in this is the whole Deadpool/Weapon X thing. They are different people! Fox is known for screwing over these characters and making their movies too glossy. But if there's one thing they know how to do it's how to make money. If Deadpool was Weapon X they will be loosing out on a massive earning potential.

Deadpool = possible big money franchise
Ryan Reynolds = box office draw
Deadpool is Weapon X = Dead franchise, no money, game over.

Fox are stupid, but not THAT stupid!
vonstallin - 3/10/2009, 9:28 AM
TucsonRican - 3/10/2009, 9:46 AM
"Lumberjack career"?
Shaman - 3/10/2009, 10:12 AM
Okay... I am one of you who can hardly wait for this movie to come out. I know that i'm not nor have i ever been a "fanboy" but rather a "fan". Which means i'm okay with most "creative liberties" if it helps in any way shape or form, adapt the source to film. BUT... if those Fox[frick]ers make Deadpool out to be Weapon XI, I will be BOY [frick]ING COTTING ANYTHING THEY WILL MAKE IN THE FUTURE... EVER... NO MATTER WHAT IT WILL BE!!! If this bullshit review is accurate, i will never ever PAY a [frick]ing PENNY to see a FOX movie ever again, weither it's at the theaters, on DVD (new AND previewed) or even ON [frick]ING TV (as i PAY my cable)!!! YOU CAN ALL QUOTE ME ON THIS, i don't give a SHIT!!! This means that this bullshit article has succeeded in making me wait till i get REAL feed back from you guys personnally from the premiere showing BEFORE i accept in going to see it!!! So by all means wearemoviegeeks, come back here and post ALL the possible SPOILERS you can come up with! The only thing that will matter is these guys opinions of the film AFTER it comes out!!!
verbicide - 3/10/2009, 11:03 AM
so...the merc with a mouth huh? this douch with his mouth all sewn up? fox [frick]ers
jayce76 - 3/10/2009, 11:25 AM
Thanks for the complete B.S review. That's hard too spot.
Shaman - 3/10/2009, 12:21 PM
"I'm gonna... whipe my ass on you. See if that works!" :P
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