VIDEO GAMES: The Main Character Of STAR WARS 1313 Revealed; Could The Game Be Saved?

VIDEO GAMES: The Main Character Of STAR WARS 1313 Revealed; Could The Game Be Saved?

Concept art from Star Wars 1313 has been revealed and shows that one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy was the main character. Also the true reason why the game was canceled is included and could it be saved? Click to check this out.

By LEVITIKUZ - Apr 07, 2013 10:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Video Games

One of the biggest mysteries of the game Star Wars 1313 was who was the main character. The game was sent in between the prequels and original trilogy. Now we know the truth. It turns out everybody's favorite badass bounty hunter was suppose to be the main character. No not IG-88, but Boba Fett. Most Star Wars fans have been wanting to see a Star Wars game starring Boba Fett. Unfortunately, due to LucasArts being shut down, the game is now cancelled.

A representative from LucasArts talked to Gameinformer and they said it was not a decision made in haste. Also, the closing of LucasArts has been evaluated since Disney acquired the publisher as part of the Disney/LucasArts deal in October 2012. The representative said the following:

"All of these things happened at once. Naturally, as any company that goes through a big announcement like this, you have to look through your whole portfolio and realign some things. 1313 was looking fantastic, the reception has been great. Our other unannounced titles are fine, it just got to a point where from a business standpoint we couldn't continue developing those internally and keep up with the direction that the company was going."

Now we all know that LucasArts is going out of business and Star Wars 1313 & Star Wars: First Assault are cancelled. However, the representative Gameinformer spoke to said the company is also evaluating its options regarding projects currently in development, which could be licensed out to external development and publishing partners:

"It is worth noting that we are looking for proven external partners who can help us provide video games to our fans. We still believe in the video game industry, we still will provide Star Wars games, we're just looking at different models rather than internal production... They're evaluating everything. There's always a possibility that it [Star Wars 1313] can still come out via licensing."

The representative with Gameinformer said that the general mood at the studio was, understandably, not upbeat:

"It's super sad. It's a terrible day. I want to make sure everyone realizes that there still will be Star Wars games out there."

Now Kotaku said that there is a slim chance of Star Wars 1313 ever getting made.

I've been told by multiple sources that chances are very slim. Development on the game had been on hold since last fall, as we reported in February.

So what was the reason Star Wars 1313 was cancelled? It seems like the reason the game was cancelled is because it was said that Star Wars 1313 doesn't fit with the movies and vice-versa, sources say.

They ended up with movie tech that wouldn't fit in a game, and game tech that wouldn't fit in a movie. 1313 was always in danger of not being made.

So there you go folks. Seems that the Boba Fett game everyone has been asking for isn't going to happen. What are your thoughts? Comment below. Peace.

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JoshWilding - 4/7/2013, 10:33 AM
You're telling me that we've lost out on a game starring Boba [frick]ing Fett?

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AlexDeLarge87 - 4/7/2013, 11:13 AM
LAME! Gritty game with Fett would have been so [frick]ing awesome!

Hope it still gets made someday.
WYLEEJAY - 4/7/2013, 11:35 AM
Damn. DAMN. DAAAMNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! IM PISSED! I don't know what else to say. Since that Jango Fett game several years ago I've always wanted one with Boba. No disintegrations my ass.
BigDamnHero - 4/7/2013, 12:25 PM
Maybe, if the game is dead, the 1313 plot will become the basis for the Boba Fett movie? That'd be sick.
myHero - 4/7/2013, 1:37 PM
@BigDamnHero that was my thought exactly. Maybe this storyline is already too close to the rumored Bona Fett movie they are wanting to do. They could possibly develop it later as a tie in. Who knows...
Screwger - 4/7/2013, 1:40 PM
No,no,no,no,no,no! Shit! They shut down the Boba Fett game! NO! Why Boba Fett gets Boba Fetted all the time.
staypuffed - 4/7/2013, 2:19 PM
After all this time, we were going to get a badass Boba Fett game?
And Disney [frick]ing cancelled it?
DCwanabe - 4/7/2013, 2:19 PM
That droid is highsinger from the clone wars he worked with boba when he is a kid. So this game had potential to tie into the clone wars portrayal of boba fett, a story that has now also been scrapped. Frick off! disney.
RadicalDuck - 4/7/2013, 2:19 PM
LucasArts going and losing a game based on Boba Fett???!! Damn them all to hell!
Silentman - 4/7/2013, 2:20 PM
They have no idea how much money they would have made for a Boba Fett game. Totally lame.
spidey1994 - 4/7/2013, 2:24 PM
[frick] you Disney!!!

TheAbomination - 4/7/2013, 2:29 PM
Well shit!! I really hope some developer picks this game up and finishes making it!!

Oh yeah and a big fvck you to Disney!!
DCwanabe - 4/7/2013, 2:44 PM
@hydraBob Nope most everyone got laid off the company is now only going to do licensing and no more development of games.
Azrael725 - 4/7/2013, 2:59 PM

TheOneAboveAll - 4/7/2013, 3:50 PM
Thanks for this LEvi
StarkAnthony - 4/7/2013, 5:25 PM
Disney doesn't want to be involved in the Avengers because Marvel is perfectly capable on their own, and they have yet to make a movie that loses them money.
KalElKent - 4/7/2013, 5:36 PM
NightBoyWonder - 4/7/2013, 5:50 PM
The perfect Star Wars game. The perfect character. The perfect gameplay... gone. [frick] you Disney
Rowsdower - 4/7/2013, 5:57 PM
BOBA FETT is the shit. Not making a game is insanity.
Wingding - 4/7/2013, 7:05 PM
I don't usually resort to such strong language, but . . . ARE YOU [frick]ING KIDDING ME?!
Blackmatter - 4/7/2013, 8:15 PM
Always wanted a movie set between the prequels and the originals
Bigred20 - 4/7/2013, 8:26 PM
we shud be mad at george lucas what a fvcking sell out
BIGBMH - 4/7/2013, 8:55 PM
Wait, I'm confused. I thought the main character of 1313 was this guy.

Boba Fett is a clone of this guy.

I don't see any resemblance.

(I've also never understood the love of Boba Fett...)
mgeoff88 - 4/7/2013, 10:08 PM
Oh wow... this game would've been awesome! I hope they could save the game!!!

@BIGBMH "The game was set in between the prequels and original trilogy."

That's a younger Boba Fett. And it costs money to use an actor's likeness, so they went with a generic design for the character.

They didn't use Matt Damon's likeness for The Bourne Legacy game either.
Brady1138 - 4/7/2013, 10:49 PM
Honestly, I wasn't too confident about 1313. It was being delayed months before LucasArts was reorganized, which meant early signs of trouble already. I mean, has NOBODY learned from Force Unleashed I & II? They looked amazing, the cinematics were awesome, but the game itself was....just bleh. And since then, Star Wars Kinect and The Old Republic didn't exactly turn out to be instant classics, did they (although TOR was the most enjoyable, it still fell short of sales and critical expectations and will likely only last a few more years). Face it people, LucasArts died about ten years ago. This is for the best.

And WOULD THEY PLEASE STOP SAYING LUCASARTS IS DEAD?! It's simply not true. It's still going to publish games, which I think is for the best. The two best Star Wars games made by LucasArts were Star Wars: Battlefront and Knights of the Old Republic and guess what? Both were PUBLISHED, NOT DEVELOPED, by LucasArts (Pandemic and Bioware).

Seriously, the b*tching and moaning HAS TO STOP!!
StarkAnthony - 4/7/2013, 11:56 PM
@BigBMH - that guy was just a placeholder for the demo, so the big reveal that it was Boba would come later. They even said at the time that the character model was not final
TheNameIsBetty - 4/8/2013, 4:31 AM
This game will get made. There is way too much support, whatever representative or employee said that is out of their mind. And if the game is officially cancelled, gamers and Star Wars fans will crucify Disney
JohnnyKrypton - 4/8/2013, 7:14 AM
Rather have a Han Solo game...
AC1 - 4/8/2013, 8:50 AM
As this would've been a next gen release, this would have been the game that got me to fork out the cash for a PS4... not too keen on upgrading consoles now.

@earzmundo that's a pretty silly comment to make. People go out and buy games consoles to play games. That's like saying "I went and bought a PS3 so I could read an Uncharted comic", or "I bought a Nintendo Wii so I could watch the Super Mario movie". Saying "just make it into a film or a comic" isn't a good enough response, because films, games, comics, etc, all provide a very different entertainment experience. They aren't interchangeable. And Star Wars 1313 looked like it could have been a real gem of a game. It's not just about the story-line in this case, it's about playing the actual game, and that's an experience many people feel like they've now been robbed of.
PeterParker1991 - 4/8/2013, 12:17 PM
Okay wow. Boba Fett was gonna star in 1313??? Screw you Disney!!!!!
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